This new webinar presentation will provide data on the processes and performance of an innovative persulfate-based technology. PersulfOx offers groundwater and soil remediation practitioners built-in activation of sodium persulfate and provides users with oxidation performance equivalent to alternative persulfate activation methods in a relatively safe and easy-to-apply form. The presenters will address the following:

  • What does “built-in activation” mean?
  • How do we ensure effective distribution of the oxidant and catalyst?
  • How important is persistence of activation?

Case studies from multiple sites will show a range of injection approaches for treatment of chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons, including 1,4-dioxane in fractured bedrock at a manufacturing facility in New Jersey and petroleum hydrocarbons at a fueling facility in Ontario. The webinar will also provide an overview of PersulfOx applications recently completed by Regenesis Remediation Services (RRS) and will emphasize safe and efficient mixing and injection with real-time performance monitoring under challenging site and weather conditions.

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