EPA Guide on Achieving No Further Action at Brownfields SitesInterested in Determining Steps to Attain “No Further Action” at a brownfield site in your state? New EPA guidelines for brownfield sites under state response programs have been released. Download the EPA’s Full Report Here.

The EPA has now provided a report summarizing the steps necessary in attaining a “No Further Action” decision under each state VCP program.

This report provides information on aspects of state response programs available to owners and prospective purchasers of brownfields. It is a guide for owners of brownfields properties on the general requirements for enter­ing a brownfield into a state cleanup program and the process for attaining a state decision or certification of the need for “no further action” under each state response program.

This report is a valuable source of information regarding the process available in each state for attaining a state decision or certification of the need for “No Further Action” under each state response program.  The report summarizes information gathered from state response program contacts and state response program websites.  Download the full report here.