PlumeStop Liquid Activated Carbon represents a new patented technology innovation designed to address the challenges of excessive time and end-point uncertainty in groundwater bioremediation. Jeremy Birnstingl, Ph.D., Vice President of Environmental Technology at REGENESIS, presented this webinar as a guest speaker in partnership with the Midwestern States Environmental Consultants Association (MSECA).

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  • If you need assistance with a current project and would like to get a design and cost for the use of PlumeStop please visit our Quick Start Solution page.
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Video Transcript

Welcome, everybody. Thank you very much for tuning in to this webinar on the new PlumeStop technology. By way of framing this, I think the best way to provide context is that this was a technology that we were looking at in REGENESIS to really take bio to the next stage. It was originally coming from the bio perspective. Those of you who know us may recall or be aware that early technologies such as ORC and HRC, some of the very early injectable electron donors and acceptors, are about 20 years old now, 21 years old. PlumeStop was party conceived by looking at how we might take bio up further to the next level now there are so many donors and acceptors on the market.

Thinking through this, we realized that whilst bio has a lot of very good strengths and a lot of benefits – I’m a bio fan, my Ph.D. was in bio back in the ’80s – it has two arguable principle weak points, and those are this. Number one, it takes time. It takes a while to get to the target, and as a remediation technology, despite its benefits it can be slow. Number two, it’s not always certain to what endpoint it’s going to get to. It can generally get lower than most remediation technologies. But whether it’s actually going to get to the target in a timely manner or at all, still remains questionable. So PlumeStop was really conceived as a way of addressing these.

So against that background, the principle features of the technology are these. It will provide a very rapid reduction in groundwater concentrations. To give an idea of the scale of this, we’re talking about multiple orders of magnitude concentration reductions in days or weeks. That’s very quick. The technology will also provide an acceleration of the contaminant biodegradation rate. This can be a means of eliminating low-concentration performance tailing, but also an ability to get to very stringent clean-up targets.

The reagent can be dispersed widely in the subsurface. This is a benefit to the field work, because it means there are less injection points necessary for a site, for example, which keeps the cost down. It also helps by presenting an ability to address areas of restricted access, deep plumes, etc. If it’s 50 feet down to the plume, then each injection point is going to have 50 [feet of drilling activity before you actually get to the point of delivery. So the greater the number of wells that can be reduced, the better. Importantly, the technology has a long-term efficacy. The reagent is not consumed. It regenerates in situ.