First broadcast: January 26, 2016

Speakers: Jeremy Birnstingl, VP of Environmental Technology at REGENESIS

Today, the variety of remediation technologies available is a direct reflection of the variety of performance characteristics they each present, be it in the balance of achievable cost vs. time, the degree of intrusion necessary for their furtherance, their optimum concentration range for maximum efficiency, or their suitability to a given geological, hydrological, or geochemical setting.

In this presentation originally given at a workshop presented by NGWA, US EPA, and REGENESIS®, Jeremy Birnstingl, VP of Environmental Technology at REGENESIS, discusses:

  • The inherent shortcomings of the widespread single-technology design predisposition in the remediation industry today
  • The physicochemical principles favoring the use of integrated remedial approaches
  • Remediation that is designed to secure efficiency and cost benefits to all stakeholders
