Dr. Jeremy Birnstingl, VP of Environmental Technology at REGENESIS, provides an overview of PlumeStop® Liquid Activated Carbon™, a new in situ groundwater remediation technology that rapidly reduces contaminant concentrations (in days) and accelerates biodegradation. This is part 2 in our webinar series about PlumeStop. Dr. Birnstingl covers the basic theory behind the technology and relevance to the field of bioremediation. The majority of presentation, however, relates the latest data from the lab and field regarding PlumeStop’s ability to secure contaminant sorption and biodegradation.


Learn More

  • For more information including a detailed white paper and technical bulletins on PlumeStop visit www.plumestop.com.
  • If you need assistance with a current project and would like to get a design and cost for the use of PlumeStop please visit our Request a Design page.
  • To get in contact with a Regenesis Technical Solutions Manager use our Contact Us form.

How does the use of PlumeStop affect porosity?

This would be…another way of us asking this question might be does PlumeStop block or clog the formation? The answer is that it depends how we choose to apply the Plumestop. And it also depends on how fine, and how permeable the formation is. As we saw in the column studies, then if we push chase-water through out of the PlumeStop, we need a coating. And there’s negligible change to the permeability or to the porosity. We’ve got less than 0.1% of the porosity actually occupied. That’s great for a barrier application, for example, or when we don’t wanna change how the PlumeStop’s placed.

If we’re in zones where we actually, like source zones which may have been back to diffusing after a previous treatment and we wanna reduce the flux, then there are different ways that we can load up the concentration and the porosity and potentially reduce the flux through these zones so that there’s no wash-out or contamination. And we can do that with…by varying the concentration, the material that we put in. And we can do that by actually making the material that’s being pushed through these zones drop out of the dispersive form and lock into place using application of counter reagents. There’s a lot of different tunes that we can play with PlumeStop depending on what we’re trying to do. And that’s one of the reasons that at the present time, we’re applying it using REGENESIS remediation services. Long answer to a short question

How far does PlumeStop distribute once pumping is stopped?

That will really depend on the seepage velocity and how fast the ground water is moving. The dispersive treatment of PlumeStop declines within a short period of time after application, so over a period of about one to three months, it’ll disappear and be gone. And after that, the material will just be locked into place like colloidal carbon and won’t be moving. So the distance it may move would be the type of seepage distance that you might get in one to three months. If that is…if there’s a concern, if you’re up against a sensitive receptor or a site boundary, then it is possible to use counter reagents that affect the distribution so that we can stop it going past certain points, reusing those as I mentioned in the previous question.

Can PlumeStop work if free product is present, even in small amounts?

The answer is yes, but we would not recommend it because it’s a bit like if you’re dealing with an abstraction system. Yes, you could use an activated carbon filter, but you would probably put an old water interceptor up ahead of that for efficiency grounds. So if there is residual free product, then there are normally better ways of reducing that fast to concentrations where it’s more economical to use the PlumeStop thereafter. So just like you could use a gag filter for capturing free product, you probably wouldn’t want to. You’d use a treatment-trained approach, and use a combination of technologies, or approaches, to get to the clean-up targets with much greater efficiency. So REGENESIS products and technologies are designed to hook together like cabooses, where you can go from free product down to very, very low concentrations with appropriate integration of our technologies. I’ve given a lot of nods towards our remediation services, I’m sort of giving another one here. But the thinking is integrated design rather than magic bullets.

Video Transcription

Dane: Hello, and welcome, everyone. My name is Dane Menke. I am the Digital Marketing Specialist here at REGENESIS and Land Science Technologies, and I will be your host for today’s event.

Before we get started, I have just a few administrative items to cover. Since we are limited to an hour, today’s presentation will be conducted with the audience audio settings on mute. This will minimize unwanted background noise from the large number of participants joining us today. If the webinar or audio quality degrades, please disconnect and repeat the original log in steps to rejoin the webcast. If you have a question, we encourage you to submit it using the question feature located on the webinar interface. We’ll collect your questions, and do our best to answer them at the end of the presentation. If we don’t address your question within the time permitting, we’ll make an effort to follow up with you after the webinar. We are recording this webinar, and a link to the recording will be emailed to you once it is available. In order to continue to sponsor events that are of value and worthy of your time, we will be sending out a brief survey following the webinar to get your feedback.

Today’s webinar will discuss reducing groundwater contaminants in days with PlumeStop Liquid Activated Carbon. With that, I’d like to introduce our presenter for today. We are pleased to have with us Dr. Jeremy Birnstingl, Vice President of Environmental Technology here at REGENESIS. Dr. Birnstingl holds a PhD in bioremediation, with 25 years professional experience in the remediation sector. He directs the worldwide technology development, and acquisition efforts of REGENESIS, overseeing new product commercialization efforts and operating as a senior technical director on key remediation projects involving advanced institute technologies. Before taking on his present global role, Dr. Birnstingl served as the Founding Managing Director of REGENESIS in Europe, responsible for establishing technical and administrative teams across the continent within multiple legislative regimes and operating currencies. And that concludes our introduction, so now I will hand things over to Jeremy to get us started.

Jeremy: Thanks very much, Dane, and thank you, everybody for joining us.

So this is the second webinar that we’ve put out on PlumeStop, PlumeStop being a technology that we brought to market just over a year ago after about five years development in-house. The first webinar is still available online, and we’ll deal with more of this theory and some of the background science, which is also in the white paper on the technology. This webinar will deal with some of the theory as a quick overview, but is going to segue from some more sections on additional lab information, through to what’s being going on in the field over the last year or so, which is the principal part of the webinar.