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You covered doing qPCR as the molecular tool, would you recommend other molecular testing on these samples?

Sure, so with a PlumeStop application, we’re seeing this thing used for more and more contaminants. So I talked about qPCR because those are well-vetted technologies when we’re talking about chlorinated sites or petroleum hydrocarbon sites. But what if you have, for instance, one for dioxane that’s present and you’re using that? There are other tools that you can use. You can use qPCR for some different genes there or if it’s contaminants that we don’t understand as well, we can and we don’t maybe have targets specifically developed for, you can do things like next generation sequencing of these samples to look at the total microbial community. So pretty much anything that you can do from a typical monitoring standpoint, we can do the same thing on this PlumeStop material but I would say, after qPCR and Quant Array, the next most interesting data would probably be to look at the next generation sequencing to see how the microbial communities change as they are growing and utilizing the compounds that are adsorbed to the PlumeStop.

Where do you recommend that we collect the sample? Should it be a soil or a groundwater?

And yeah, as I mentioned before, we can do either but my recommendation from the lessons learned is getting it in those turbid groundwater samples like I showed in that last slide. That that may be the best place from what we’ve seen, to really show what’s happening on the surface of that material.

As a microbiologist, were you surprised by the results? At the very least, it seems counterintuitive that an adsorbed contaminant would be bioavailable?

Yeah, and you know, that’s a question that people had for quite a while. We have a tool called a Bio-Trap Sampler that was developed by the University of Tulsa and Dupont. And it’s powder-activated carbon and Nomex. So it’s kind of similar in that we see that we can adsorb compounds that we’re interested in like a 13-Carbon compound. For instance, a 13-Carbon benzene. And it was bioavailable to the organisms. We would see that 13-Carbon could be traced into the biomass of microorganisms. So, even though the compounds were bound very tightly to that activated carbon and we didn’t see it lost into the aqueous phase, surrounding the Bio-Traps, we were still able to see the microorganisms utilize that 13-carbon and incorporate it into their biomass. So proof positive, it was bioavailable.

So based on my experience with Bio-Traps Samplers over the past 15 years, I wasn’t necessarily surprised. I think it was a great idea to use this technology. And this particle size, I was curious to see how the experience of the bacterial particles molecules would be to the small particle size, but I wasn’t surprised that it was still bioavailable to them.

Would you recommend doing RNA analysis to better demonstrate activity?

You know, it’s a great question. So, RNA and DNA analysis is something that we’ve looked at and debated over the past decade. It really depends on the contaminant that you have at the site. Which one I would recommend? If we’re talking about a compound like a chlorinated ethane, like our PCE, for example, dehalococcoides can only use those chlorinated ethane compounds. So we don’t have to worry. If they’re present in high concentrations and their DNA is being detected in a higher concentration, they were in the near term utilizing those compounds of interest.

Now, on the other hand, for a petroleum site where you could have organisms that are doing a lot of different metabolic capabilities, the RNA comes in handy because we need to know, are they expressing that particular gene that we’re interested in? For instance, toluene dioxygenase. They have the capability to biodegrade toluene with it. Do we see the organisms actively expressing that gene of interest or RNA comes in very handy there? So I would say it really depends on the compound and that’s something that feel free to contact us and we can kind of advise you based on what our experience is with those particular compounds.

Are you counting only the cells suspended in groundwater or are you also counting cells adhered to the PlumeStop?

That’s a good question. With our extraction process, we should be getting both. That would be the goal. And what we’re doing in the extraction is if we collect those turbid samples where PlumeStop is present, we should be removing those from the PlumeStop as well as anything that’s free floating in the water. So, ideally, we’re getting both of them.

How often would you think you would need to sample microbiological elements?

Again, it depends on the site itself. Sites that are new, that you’re trying to characterize and understand, typically quarterly monitoring is what we see that people will do. And you’re not gonna do every well on the site. You’re gonna do a selection, kind of like I showed in that diagram. Once the site becomes more characterized and you know it and you’re kind of more in a monitoring phase and not making so many changes, then you may move to semi-annual or annual sampling.

Is there an optimal or minimum concentration of electron donor to maintain the DHC population?

You know, I don’t know that there is a cut-off. Off the top of my head, I’m not sure what that concentration would be. I think you would wanna to see you know, some decent TOC values. If you see them start to rapidly decline, I would look at that in combination with your qPCR results because if you see your dehalococcoides concentrations going down, then we would be concerned that something has changed in that environment. So it could be TOC and that’s an easy solution then to go out and you know, add some additional electron donor. But off the top of my head, I don’t know a magic number that I would say is a cut-off. I think it would be kind of site-specific, and we’d wanna to make sure that you do have…you know, from what we’ve seen in some sites that we’ve worked on, I would say you know, 50 to 100 is kind of where you’d wanna be with that number in concentration.

This one is have you validated your DNA extraction method? Some soil bacteria such as…I’m sorry I might not pronounce this right. Mycobacterium are very difficult to lice and do not release their DNA using the conventional commercial kits.

Yeah, so we’ve been doing DNA extraction for 20 years here at Microbial Insights so we’ve been through the process and comparing different extraction methods. I would say in comparative studies where we’ve been involved, we have a better lising and extraction methods than any other lab that we were compared with. And we were consistently able to recover the right amount of bacterium from some round robin-type studies that were performed. I don’t know that we can lice every single bacteria. You’re right, some of them like cryptosporidium can have really hard outer shells that could be more difficult to lice. In those cases, we may underestimate how those populations but for the organisms that we’re talking about here and chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon plumes, we see very good recovery of the DNA from those types of microorganisms. So I don’t think there’ll be any concern there.

What could cause a decrease in DHC concentration after it is injected at a chlorinated site?

There are several things that you’d want to take a look at. Dehalococcoides is very sensitive to oxygen. Make sure of that because if you add a culture and you don’t prep the environment for it where you have electron donor that’s making it reducing enough, if there’s any oxygen you can limit the reductive dechlorination capabilities of dehalococcoides so that would be very important. The other thing that I see commonly at sites is looking at your sulfate concentrations because when you add an electron donor, you’re stimulating any of the anaerobic organisms that can use that donor, right? So if we see sulfate concentrations are very high at location, we might have…those sulfate-reducing bacteria really gets stimulated after that donor application, so we add dehalococcoides and they kind of lag a little bit and don’t do as well. But once sulfate reducers start to stabilize out, then we see dehalococcoides can come back and start to compete and utilize that. So there may be temporary lags that happen in those types of situations.

The other thing I would look at is looking at you know, the PH of your site to make sure that it isn’t down like say a three level. I have seen some locations where they’ve injected dehalococcoides and PH was super low. And we’ve had some problems there. So just looking at kind of your site parameters as a whole, I think, off the top of my head, those would probably be my top three recommendations.

Is your anaerobic BTEX degradation based on denitrification?

Yes, the genes that have been identified so far, the carboxylation gene has been shown under more denitrifying conditions. And there’s research that’s been done for anaerobic benzene degradation trying to understand the other pathways. We don’t have genes isolated yet that we can target for those, but I foresee that coming and a better understanding, you know under more redox limited conditions, seeing some more information come out about that and literature in the future.

Is it hard to extract the microbial DNA from activated carbon?

No, it is not hard at all to remove it from what we’ve seen. We’ve worked with Bio-Trap Samplers. And as long as you have a good process for how you’re handling those samples, we find that we can very effectively remove the microbial communities from those. And we’ve loaded certain concentrations onto activated carbon and we get very efficient removal with our extraction process.

Essentially, won’t these microbiological tools be informative only with respect to activated carbon? Or he’s asking, are these microbiological tools informative for remediation products other than activated carbon?

Yeah, these tools are used for any of the products. And we did a webinar with Regenesis previously using these same type of tools that we just add say, HRC to a site or if you add an electron etc. like an oxygen to the site, we would use the same types of tools to monitor those microbial communities. So it’s not specific to activated carbon, these tools are ubiquitous. Our gas can be used in multiple applications.

But I was just focusing on that here because it’s a great way for us to show what’s happening on that adsorbed PlumeStop material. We also commonly use these tools for monitored natural attenuation. So, if you have a site where you’re just doing MNA, this is a great line of evidence that you can use to show that the microbial populations, that Mother Nature is taking care of it. That we’re doing it and that things are fine. You know, maybe it’s a polishing tool at the end after you’ve done a treatment at a location. This is a great tool to continue on through that MNA to closure kind of period that you have there.

Can you calculate the biodegradation rate based on the bacterial concentration?

I wish. That’s something that we’re working on. So Microbial and Insights has been involved in a lot of research over the years, with John Wilson and Frank Loeffler’s group, kind of looking at some of these questions. We aren’t there yet with the answer. There’s some additional research that’s being done right now that might help to elucidate it. And there’s some work that John Wilson is doing looking at co-metabolism and its rates of degradation that we see correlate with concentrations of bacteria for co-metabolic degradation. So we’re getting there. We’re closer but unfortunately, we can’t just look at a concentration of bacteria and know a rate from that at this point. Hopefully, I’ll be able to tell you a different answer to that in the next five years. But for now, no. I wish we could.

Video Transcription

Dane: Hello and welcome, everyone. My name is Dane Menke, I am the digital marketing manager here at Regenesis and Land Science.

Before we get started, I have just a few administrative items to cover. Since we’re trying to keep this under an hour, today’s presentation will be conducted with the audience audio settings on mute. This will minimize unwanted background noise from the large number of participants joining us today. If the webinar or audio quality degrades, please disconnect and repeat the original login steps to rejoin the webcast.

If you have a question, we encourage you to ask it using the “question feature” located on the webinar panel. We’ll collect your questions and do our best to answer them at the end of the presentation. If we don’t address your question within the time permitting, we’ll make an effort to follow up with you after the webinar.

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Today’s presentation will focus on Demonstrating Contaminant Biodegradation in conjunction with PlumeStop Liquid Activated Carbon.

With that, I’d like to introduce our presenter for today. We are pleased to have with us, Dora Taggart, President of Microbial Insights. Dora received a biomedical engineering degree from Vanderbilt University and is focused on the optimization and implementation of molecular tools for environmental remediation, microbiologically influenced corrosion and microbial source tracking. Since joining Microbial Insights in 2001, she has developed and commercialized over 60 different nucleic acid-based analyses. Under her direction, Microbial Insights has become a worldwide provider of molecular tools for leading consulting firms, government agencies, and academia.

All right, that concludes our introduction. So now I’ll hand things over to Dora to get us started.

Dora: All right, great. Thank you very much, Dane for that introduction, and thank you, Tricia, for setting up this webinar, and everyone at Regenesis for this work. And thank you, everyone, for taking time out of your busy schedule to be on this webinar. Today, as Dane mentioned, we’re gonna be talking about a product that I’m really excited about and I’m pleased that we got to participate on some research with Regenesis on this product. And I think it’s really exciting to see this become available for us in Remediation.