First broadcast: June 27, 2017

Speakers: Matthew Burns, Technical Fellow at WSP

Fractured bedrock aquifers can be extremely heterogeneous which not only results in complex dissolved plume behavior but can also hinder in situ remediation efforts that rely on subsurface injection of amendments to promote microbial activity and abiotic degradation. Simply put, injected amendments may bypass or have limited contact time with impacted zones due to transport differences within primary and secondary rock porosity and other subsurface heterogeneities. With thorough characterization of site hydrology, novel amendment formulations, routine performance monitoring, and an adaptive site management approach however,in situ remediation can be successful in fractured bedrock aquifers.

In this webinar we are pleased to have as a special guest speaker Matthew Burns, Technical Fellow and the in situ remediation Practice Leader for WSP. He presents a case study of a site where multifunctional amendments were applied to manage back diffusion of chlorinated VOCs from a fractured sandstone aquifer. He is joined by Maureen Dooley, Director of Strategic Projects at REGENESIS.

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