eBook highlights:

  • Permeable reactive barriers (PRBs) are a proven, sustainable, and cost-effective solution for treating groundwater contaminants in situ
  • PRBs use reactive media injected directly into the subsurface to treat contaminated groundwater as it flows naturally through the barrier
  • With minimal operational costs and recent advances in innovative injectable remediation technologies, PRBs offer a long-term remedy for a range of contaminants, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and metals

This ebook examines 7 reasons to consider an in situ permeable reactive barrier to treat groundwater contaminants. PRBs offer numerous advantages over traditional plume contaminant methods like groundwater extraction and treatment (pump-and-treat). PRBs- represent a powerful, sustainable approach to groundwater remediation, providing a range of benefits that make them the optimal solution for complex contamination challenges. With the ability to treat a broad spectrum of contaminants—ranging from chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons to persistent PFAS compounds—PRBs deliver both rapid, measurable results and sustained, long-term performance with minimal maintenance. Recent advancements in PRB technology, including the development of materials like PlumeStop, S-MicroZVI, AquiFix, 3-D Microemulsion, and PetroFix, have significantly enhanced the effectiveness of PRBs. These materials offer superior reactivity, distribution, and treatment efficiency, achieving regulatory compliance faster and with greater efficiency than traditional methods.