Case study highlights:

  • Soil mixing with PersulfOx® cost less than half of the thermal desorption treatment.
  • Very aggressive remediation goals were met on a quick timeline.
  • One application of PersulfOx was powerful enough to reduce contaminant levels from 18,000 ppm to 150 ppm.

This case study reviews a former dry cleaning site in an upscale Chicago suburb that was contaminated with chlorinated solvents, specifically perchloroethylene. Cabeno Environmental, a turnkey environmental contractor, worked alongside REGENESIS to create an effective remedial design for this high profile site. They chose to treat the contaminated soil with in situ soil mixing using PersulfOx, an activated persulfate. Cabeno Environmental chose to treat the contaminated soil with in situ soil mixing using PersulfOx, an activated persulfate. This technology was chosen because it effectively and rapidly promotes in situ oxidation of a wide range of organic contaminants. After Cabeno Environental conducted a pilot test to refine the remedial design, the site was treated with hydrogen peroxide and 83,146 pounds of PersulfOx. Within one month of completing the soil mixing, the closure sampling was conducted. This quick timeline along with strict remediation goals demonstrated the power and effectiveness of the PersulfOx technology.