London Olympic Park Environmental Cleanup Uses Bioremediation Technology ORC Advanced® to Treat Hydrocarbons and Expedite Construction
The multi-billion dollar development of the 500 acre London 2012 Olympic Games Park has been one of the largest Brownfields regeneration projects in recent years. Located in Stratford in East London, the site was formerly an industrial estate with uses including: chemical, fertilizer, engineering works, landfills and depots leaving a legacy of soil and groundwater contamination.
The Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) set strict deadlines for the Olympic facility construction projects. The development included the construction and refurbishment of 16 new major stadia and sports facilities. More specifically, the subsurface foundations for the London Aquatic Centre (LAC) were to be completed by the 27th July 2009 (exactly three years before the London 2012 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony).
The LAC site was contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons from lubricating oil as a result of historic operations. The first stage of remediation began in November 2007 using dual-phase vacuum extraction (DPVE) to remove the LNAPL, however due to the strict ODA deadlines and integration with construction programmes (starting in April 2008) prolonged use of DPVE was not practical to remediate the dissolved phase hydrocarbon plume. An in situ
solution became the only viable option.
In Situ Enhanced Bioremediation, a widely accepted and well understood natural biodegradation process was chosen to cleanup this portion of the site. This approach
utilizes indigenous microbes to aerobically biodegrade petroleum hydrocarbons in-place. The actual process is facilitated using an injectable, Advanced Oxygen Release Compound (ORC Advanced®). Upon hydration and injection, this powder-like material accelerates aerobic bioremediation by releasing molecular dissolved oxygen for periods up to 12 months on a single application. Without this valuable oxygen supply, the required aerobic bioremediation processes either cease or proceed at very slow rates
The patented Controlled-Release Technology (CRTTM) in ORC Advanced allows for an efficient, long-term release of oxygen which provides optimal conditions for sustained aerobic biodegradation. CRT also saves time and money during implementation by eliminating the need for multiple oxygen release compound applications.
Additionally, ORC Advanced® was applied at the LAC site using direct-push injection. This application approach is highly efficient as it requires no permanent well installation, above-ground piping or mechanical equipment and after application, no operational costs or further site disturbance. Remedial objectives or the Olympic Games Aquatic Centre were satisfied and redevelopment of the site was unhindered by the ongoing in situ remedial work. More importantly, the construction-phase was completed according to the ODA set deadlines.
REGENESIS is proud to have supported environmental consultants, remediation contractors and regulators in successfully delivering the multi-billion dollar, award winning, remediation for The London 2012 Olympic Games.