PFAS Cost-Efficiently Eliminated
Case study highlights:
- Results 4.5 years post-application show PFAS and PCE reduced to non-detect
- New, innovative approach using an in situ colloidal activated carbon barrier to eliminate PFAS exposure pathway and protect the community
- Collaborative effort amongst various State of Michigan and military departments
- Results 4.5 years post-application show PFAS and PCE reduced to non-detect
- Economical and effective pilot study design
This case study reviews a pilot test to remove PFAS risk via an in situ colloidal activated carbon barrier at Camp Grayling in Crawford County, Michigan, a large year-round military training center operated by the Michigan Army National Guard (MIARNG). Colloidal activated carbon was selected because of the expected rapid reductions of PFAS by removal from the dissolved mobile phase, as well as its expected lower total project costs when compared to operating a mechanical system over a similar time. The MIARNG decided to conduct a PlumeStop pilot test to determine if this treatment would meet their site goals prior to a possible full-scale application. The goals for this pilot project were to utilize an approach that could both protect the Grayling community from exposure and cost-effectively expand to a full-scale application.