Rapid Elimination of Chlorinated Solvents
Case study highlights:
- The site achieved a greater than 99% reduction in CVOC concentrations
- 90% CVOC concentration reduction goal was achieved within four months post-application
- Ongoing monitoring indicates the continued effectiveness of the treatment, with additional reductions expected in the following months
In Southern California, a retail facility with an active food service tenant faced significant groundwater contamination from chlorinated solvents, primarily tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), resulting from a historical release at a former dry cleaners on-site, which also impacted adjacent properties. Despite previous remediation efforts, high contaminant concentrations persisted, feeding a contaminant plume. Using 3-D Microemulsion® (3DME), Sulfidated Micro-Scale Zero Valent Iron® (S-MZVI), and Bio Dechlor Inoculum Plus® (BDI Plus), the site achieved a greater than 99% reduction in CVOC concentrations and halted plume migration through biologically enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) and in situ chemical reduction (ISCR), meeting the site’s performance goals.