Regenesis Remediation Services™ – LNAPL Recovery with RegenOx®
Remediation of Residual LNAPL and a Dissolved-Phase Plume at a Former Gasoline Service Station
Regenesis Remediation Services (RRS) was contracted to remediate a residual LNAPL and dissolved phase petroleum plume from a historic fuel release at this former gasoline service station. RegenOx PetroCleanze™ (PetroCleanze) was chosen as the primary remediation technology to facilitate recovery of residual LNAPL and chemically oxidize contaminants without negatively impacting sensitive infrastructure.
Twenty-six (26) direct-push injection points were used during each of the four (4) application events to apply the remediation chemistry in the sandysilt aquifer and smear zone soils. Vacuum extraction was conducted after each PetroCleanze application to recover residual free-phase petroleum hydrocarbons liberated from the soils. Reagent distribution monitoring confirmed PetroCleanze was present across the targeted source area during each application event. Direct-push injection points were advanced using a bottom-up approach between 25 and 20 feet below ground surface (bgs). The injection interval focused on the highest concentrations of contaminants identified in the upper saturated soils and smear zone soils. A total of 13,230 pounds of PetroCleanze were injected via DPT injection points over the course of the project with low pressures and moderate flow rates.