Retro-Coat Applied to Former Jazz Club Ensures Protection from Vapor Intrusion
Case study highlights:
- How Maul Foster Alongi achieved 33% cost savings compared to alternative remedial approaches
- Indoor air quality evaluation of TCE and other VOCs
- Retro-Coat application details
- Vapor mitigation performance results and indoor air quality findings after the installation of Retro-Coat
Subsurface contamination caused by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) beneath a former jazz club posed a direct risk to the indoor air quality for a Renton, Washington property. The CVOCs had migrated beneath the property from a neighboring dry cleaning operation resulting in a vapor intrusion (VI) issue. When environmental consultant Maul Foster Alongi performed a cost analysis of different vapor mitigation and remediation approaches, it was found that the Retro Coat™ Vapor Intrusion Coating System would provide an excellent solution at about a third of the cost less than other remedial approaches.