Retro-Coat Utilized to Prevent Harmful TCE and Chloroform Vapor Intrusion
Case study highlights:
- The Retro-Coat barrier and Vapor-Vent system were incorporated into already planned renovations, saving the site owner time and money.
- Retro-Coat is resistant to both TCE and chloroform and is a wearing surface, rated for foot and forklift traffic.
- The Retro-Coat system layers cure quickly, reducing building downtime.
- The combination of Retro-Coat and Vapor-Vent was chosen as a remedial solution to mitigate the risk of harmful vapor intrusion.
This case study reviews a former industrial manufacturing facility in Greenville, SC that was purchased under a Voluntary Cleanup Contract and Brownfields agreement with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC). Prior to renovation of the property, it was estimated that two VOCs, chloroform and TCE, had indoor air concentrations above EPA Industrial/Commercial Risk Based Screening Levels (RSL). Environmental consulting firm Bunnell Lammons Engineering recommended the installation of Retro‑Coat®, a vapor intrusion mitigation coating system, in conjunction with a passive sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS) comprised of Vapor‑Vent to protect the structure from vapor intrusion.