PetroFix Achieves Success at Delaware Service Station
Case study highlights:
- Site closure targets rapidly met through innovative remediation
- Strategic application of PetroFix® through both grid and barrier injections as well as the direct application of RegenOx® during excavation of highly impacted soils
- the Delaware project achieved reductions in benzene, toluene, and EDB to near or below detection limits
PetroFix successfully remediated petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, first discovered in the 1980s, at a vacant, former retail service station in Delaware. The strategic application of PetroFix® through both grid and barrier injections as well as the direct application of RegenOx® during excavation of highly impacted soils, significantly reduced high concentrations of benzene and toluene, along with low levels of ethylene dibromide. These interventions brought contaminant levels below the final regulatory cleanup threshold needed to achieve site closure. By implementing PetroFix, the Delaware project achieved reductions in benzene, toluene, and EDB to near or below detection limits, securing an effective, long-term solution for groundwater remediation.
>99% Contaminant Reduction at Largest Train Maintenance Depot in Northern Europe
Case study highlights:
- Carefully designed integrated remediation strategy used physical, chemical, sorptive and biological treatment
- Innovative use of PetroFix Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) completed to prevent residual contaminant egress from outside of the treatment area and protect against future spills
- Significant reductions of petroleum hydrocarbons have been achieved onsite – starting with LNAPL and reaching stringent target values – within nine months
This case study reviews the in situ remediation strategy implemented across the largest train maintenance depot in northern Europe, located in Hagalund, Sweden. As part of the remedial application, Swedish remediation contractor Envytech installed a network of additional monitoring wells across the site. This was done to better delineate the plume and identify any unknown contamination prior to commencement of remediation. Site investigations identified LNAPL across much of the northern area of the site, which required a revised groundwater remediation strategy.
First Application of PetroFix at Petrol Filling Station in Sweden
Case study highlights:
- The integrated remediation treatment strategy ensured that optimum treatment efficiency was maintained throughout the phases of works
- The amount of excavation and offsite disposal was minimized
- All underground infrastructure remained in situ
- All works were completed at an active petrol filling station with minimal disruption to the commercial operations of the facility
- 12-month period monitoring results show reductions of >98% of the gasoline range of petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the groundwater
RGS Nordic was asked by Circle K to remediate groundwater contaminated with gasoline at an active Petrol Filling Station (PFS) in Nykvarn, Sweden. During the site investigation, petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was identified within the fill material around the underground storage tank (UST) farm.RGS Nordic was required to deliver a remediation strategy that posed minimal disruption to the commercial operations of the PFS. The chosen remediation strategy combined targeted excavation, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), in situ sorption, and enhanced aerobic biodegradation using a range of complementary REGENESIS technologies: RegenOx®, ORC-Advanced® and PetroFix®.
In situ treatment of MNT, DNT and TNT at former explosives factory
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
Performance-Based Objectives Achieved at Scott AFB
Case study highlights:
- Impacted soil was caused by leaking underground piping and removal of two large UST’s
- Second round of direct push injections included PetroFix to treat lingering BTEX
- One month following application of PetroFix, BTEX levels were at non-detect and have continued to remain at that level for 5 sampling events
This case study reviews the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) at Scott Air Force Base, a large military base located in Southwestern Illinois that was contaminated with petroleum impacted soil. One month following the application of PetroFix™, contaminant levels reached non-detect. Benzene continued to remain non-detect through March 2020 and the site was recommended for no further action. The final CAP Addendum proposed two rounds of groundwater treatment by injection at Former Tank 85 to reduce benzene concentrations below the groundwater remediation objectives. The first round of injections was completed in February through March 2018 and consisted of the use of REGENESIS’ RegenOx®, coupled with ORC Advanced® to stimulate aerobic bioremediation. The initial injection was successful in reducing most contaminants within the affected area. The second round of injections at the former UST was completed in March 2019 using REGENESIS’ PetroFix micron-scale remedial fluid.
Pesticides, VOCs and petroleum hydrocarbons remediated with a suite of in situ technologies
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
Excavation With RegenOx Successfully Treats Large PHC Plume
Case study highlights:
- After previous consultants attempted remediation without success, C&S created a remediation strategy that successfully reduced the plume.
- The combined remedy approach of excavation and ISCO exceeded the remediation goals.
- Successful remediation enabled the construction of a 350,000 sq. ft. $110 million facility at the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
This case study reviews a former gas station site in Buffalo, New York that required remediation due to leaking underground storage tanks. Together with REGENESIS, C&S Consulting designed an in situ remediation strategy to target the residual contaminant plume. RegenOx® in situ chemical oxidant was chosen because of its ability to target petroleum hydrocarbons and its non-corrosive properties. As part of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Brownfield Cleanup Program, C&S designed a complex remediation program to ensure a quick and affordable solution. Petroleum contamination extended from 10 to 40 feet below grade. The site was excavated to 26 feet below ground surface to remove residual contamination and to enable equipment staging and material handling areas to support the deeper excavation area.
In Situ treatment of toluene in groundwater, Helsingborg, Sweden
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
Integrated in situ remediation of honing oil in a chalk aquifer, UK
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
In Situ pilot remediation of gasworks impacted groundwater, Stockholm, Sweden
In the north-east of Central Stockholm, a historical industrial site was earmarked for redevelopment. Part of the site comprised a former gasworks, where historical operations have caused a complex mix of contaminants to impact the surrounding soil, groundwater and shoreline sediments.
The large site is due to be redeveloped in a series of parcels including a road, industrial park, residential homes and schools. Remediation is required to ensure the human health risk is removed as part of the restoration of the site. The impacted groundwater also represents an environmental risk and requires treatment. Risk assessments were used to determine that remediation was required to a depth of 20m BGL. The geology of the site is heterogeneous, comprising a shallow made ground, a clay layer and underlying coarse sands.
The sands are highly impacted with a range of gas works contamination included creosote NAPLs and high levels of benzene. The saturated clays are also impacted with dissolved phase contamination. Due to contaminants, concentrations and superficial geologies, a range of remedial methods would be required to ensure the most appropriate was used in each scenario. Therefore, RGS Nordic engaged REGENESIS to design a series of pilot tests utilising several in-situ methods. The results from these trials would then be used to shape the full-scale remediation strategy for the entire gasworks site area.
Combined In Situ Remediation Approach and Planning
REGENESIS proposed a pilot-scale combined remediation approach comprising:
- Enhanced desorption using PetroCleanze to target high concentrations of soil-bound contaminants of concern (COC’s) in the sands,
- In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) using both RegenOx and PersulfOx to target medium to high dissolved phase and soil-bound PAHs in the sandy soil, and
- Enhanced aerobic degradation using ORC-Advanced to target the low dissolved phase benzene and naphthalene concentrations in the clay.
Groundwater samples were collected 3-4 months after the application of REGENESIS remediation products, see graphs 1 to 3. The results are displayed below
Enhanced Desorption using PetroCleanze
>95% reduction in dissolved phase benzene was achieved with the addition of PetroCleanze. The treatment for PAHs was found to be less effective, primarily due to the low baseline PAH concentrations which were below the optimum treatment concentration range for PetroCleanze.
Graph 1– Effect of PetroCleanze application on dissolved Benzene concentrations
ISCO using RegenOx and PersulfOx
>90% reduction in dissolved phase benzene and PAHs was observed using PersulfOx. In the RegenOx trial, dissolved benzene concentrations were found to decrease by 80%, while PAH levels increased slightly, potentially due to large volumes of desorbed COCs being released into groundwater post-treatment.
Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation using ORC-Advanced
A sustained reduction in Naphthalene and benzene (despite suspected influx into the test area) was achieved using ORC-Advanced in the saturated clay.
Graph 2– Effect of PersulfOx application on PAH concentrations
- A wide range of contaminant concentrations were treated effectively using a combined in-situ remediation approach.
- Substantial reductions in COC concentrations were achieved despite the challenging geological setting.
- The results from the pilot tests show that all areas of the gasworks site can be successfully remediated in-situ using REGENESIS remediation products, providing significant cost savings when compared with conventional techniques
Graph 3– Effect of ORC-A application on PAH concentrations