In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR)

At a Glance

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Treatable Contaminants:


Biogeochemical Reduction

Combines biological and chemical reduction to treat contaminants

Treats specific chlorinated contaminants

(PCE, TCE, DCE and VC)

Treats moderate to low concentrations


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Applications Frequency:

Rapid treatment time

(weeks to months)

Works in saturated and unsaturated zones

Single application effectiveness

(Usually applied with an electron donor like 3-D Microemulsion)

In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) Overview

ISCR combines both biological processes and metallic particle driven abiotic pathways to chemically reduce chlorinated contaminants into harmless end products. ISCR agents are typically applied in combination with an electron donor type substrate which creates a biologically induced reducing environment. The incorporation of iron as metallic particles or ferrous salts (Fe2+) can enhance chlorinated contaminant remediation by enabling various chemical reduction pathways. The application of ISCR is also often used in conjunction with electron donor substrates like 3-D Microemulsion® to limit the formation of undesirable chlorinated contaminant breakdown products such as Cis-DCE and vinyl chloride.

REGENESIS welcomes the opportunity to provide you and your team with the tools you need to successfully plan and execute your next in situ chemical reduction project.

If you currently have a project and need a remediation solution now, request a design.

Have questions or want to explore some ideas? Contact Us to get in touch with a local representative.

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FAQs about In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR)

In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) is the combination of biological processes and chemical reduction to treat contaminants. This type of treatment treats specific chlorinated contaminants such as PCE, TCE, DCE, and VC. ISCR is often used in conjunction with electron donor substrates like 3DME to limit the formation of undesirable contaminant breakdown products.

In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) has a rapid treatment time of weeks to months with typically a single application.

In Situ Chemical Reduction is an effective solution for your contamination problem if the contaminant of concern is a low to moderate concentration of a chlorinated contaminant such as PCE, TCE, DCE, or VC. This treatment works relatively quickly in weeks to months and typically requires one application.