Thorough, Professional, Proven – REGENESIS Remediation Services Supports You Every Step of the Way
Regenesis Remediation Services (RRS) specializes in equipping environmental consultants with the professional expertise and technology needed to conduct complete environmental remediation. Their team of in-house experts ensures that the design, application, monitoring, and evaluation are completed successfully in a timely and cost-effective manner. RRS produces effective remediation designs through the use of site characterization tools and provides field-proven equipment for optimal reagent distribution and monitoring.
“REGENESIS has provided exceptional technical service from start to finish of a project…”
Steven P. Sittler, Senior Project Geologist, Patriot Engineering
Wide Range of Injection Techniques
Direct-injection services
(top-down, bottom-up, galleries, fixed wells, direct-push)

Soil handling, milling and mixing operations
(ex situ and in situ)

Horizontal directional drilling for hard to reach applications