RegenOx® Application Manual
RegenOx® is a proprietary in situ chemical oxidation process using a solid oxidant complex and an activator complex. RegenOx has very high activity capable of treating a very broad range of soil and groundwater contaminants, has significant longevity in the subsurface, and when handled appropriately is safe and easy to apply.
The intention of this manual is to serve as a reference point to allow the reader to understand the current “best practices” in chemical oxidation technology and more specifically the application of RegenOx, the state-of-the-art remediation technology developed by REGENESIS.
The first three sections of this manual (1-3) describe the basic chemical oxidation mechanisms and the technical attributes of chemical oxidation products. Then, Section 4- Biological Treatment Following Chemical Oxidation describes the coupling of chemical
oxidation technology with accelerated bioremediation.
The balance of the manual deals with technology application. Section 5- Expectations of Chemical Oxidation – deals specifically with setting realistic objectives for remediation and properly managing performance expectations. Sections 6 through 10 offer design and application guidance on successfully completing a chemical oxidation project. Lastly, Section 11 describes technical support available from REGENESIS to engineering firms for the design and application of chemical oxidation to treat subsurface contamination.
The RegenOx Application Manual is 66 pages in length and delivered in downloadable PDF format. Please access the manual by completing the form on this page.