In this webinar we were pleased to have a presentation by Grant Carey, PhD, President of Porewater Solutions. His presentation provided an overview of colloidal activated carbon (CAC) performance and long-term strategies for in-situ PFAS remediation based on several case studies.

Highlights of this free webinar:

  • Strategies for site characterization and feasibility studies at PFAS sites where CAC is likely to be considered as a remedy.
  • Evaluating the effect of barrier placement (e.g., near source versus downgradient site boundary) on long-term performance.
  • Modeling the effects of coastal site tidal fluctuations and groundwater geochemistry on CAC performance.
  • Influence on CAC longevity from chromatographic separation of short-chain compounds such as PFBS inside the barrier.
  • Strategies for long-term site management after implementation of a CAC remedy.
  • Implications of EPA’s final PFAS National Primary Drinking Water Regulation with the implementation of CAC for PFAS remediation.

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Webinar recording now available