Land Science is pleased to present a webinar with Dora Taggart, President of Microbial Insights, Inc., and Sam Rosolina, PhD, Analytical Chemist and Manager of the Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) Laboratory at Microbial Insights. In this webinar, Dora and Sam discuss incorporating CSIA in vapor intrusion investigations. They are joined by Tom Szocinski, CEP, Director of Vapor Intrusion at Land Science, who discusses innovative new vapor barrier technologies that are more protective and more cost-effective.

Learn the following in this free webinar:

  • A primer for sites impacted with contaminant vapor intrusion
  • How CSIA is being used to fingerprint different contaminant sources
  • Using CSIA to help identify the underlying cause of decreased indoor air quality

Many of the contaminants commonly impacting indoor air through vapor intrusion can also be found in a number of house-hold items and products. Are the chlorinated solvents detected in the air originating from the groundwater beneath the building, or is a bottle of adhesive the actual source? Is the benzene detected in the basement a direct result of an upgradient petroleum release, or from the cigarette of the construction worker in the next room? Determining the source of impact is an important first step in investigating vapor intrusion cases and can save time and money in the long run. This webinar serves as a primer for vapor intrusion, and highlights how compound specific isotope analysis is being used to fingerprint different contaminant sources and help to identify the underlying cause of decreased indoor air quality. With the added context of Microbial Insights’ new CSIA database, the results are automatically plotted for you, making it easy to visualize and interpret the data.

FAQ: CSIA and Vapor Intrusion

Geophysics FAQThe questions summarized in this FAQ as part of the Land Science “Distinguished Speaker” webinar series, were provided by our guest presenters, Dora Taggart and Sam Rosolina, PhD in response to questions fielded throughout the webinar presentation. REGENESIS and Land Science are grateful to both Ms. Taggart and Dr. Rosolina for sharing their expertise. Land Science is dedicated to providing relevant, industry-leading content in support of client partners globally. Any use or reproduction of the contents of this FAQ document must be approved by Land Science, REGENESIS and/or Microbial Insights.

Want to learn more about CSIA and Vapor Intrusion? Download the Q&A from the webinar here:

View the recording of this free webinar