A Proven Approach For Treating
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminants


What is PetroFix?

PetroFix is a proven, affordable and reliable solution used to remediate total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) from contaminated environments such as gas stations.

How does PetroFix work?

Petrofix uses a proprietary formula of activated carbon to adsorb total petroleum hydrocarbons. It then adds electron acceptors to stimulate hydrocarbon biodegradation. This process allows petroleum hydrocarbons to be removed from soil and water in a fast, cost-efficient, environmentally friendly way.

How do I know how much PetroFix I need for my site?

We’ve developed a user-friendly Design Assistant™ tool to make it easy for you to customize your site’s design and self-apply PetroFix at your petroleum contaminated site.

The PetroFix Design Assistant: You Design

Our Design Assistant tool helps you determine the recommended PetroFix product dosage for your TPH contaminated site.

The Design Assistant tool also provides an application design to help guide you on how and where to apply PetroFix on your petroleum contaminated site.


To make applying PetroFix simple and easy to use, REGENESIS created an innovative and effective online tool for developing recommended dosage and designs for your site.

Create Your Account

Step 1: Begin by creating an account with details about your site including the surface area and average vertical thickness and whether or not NAPL is present at this time.

Recommended Treatment

Step 2: After providing the soil grain size and the groundwater contaminant levels, the Design Assistant will provide results showing the suggested treatment including the recommended volume dosing, and product required for treatment.

Order PetroFix

Step 3: Once all areas for the site are submitted, start the order process directly within the Design Assistant.