What is Benzo(b)fluoranthene?

Benzo[b]fluoranthene is a colorless, aromatic hydrocarbon consisting of five fused rings and formed by the incomplete burning of organic matter.


Benzo(b)fluoranthene is primarily found in gasoline exhaust, tobacco and cigarette smoke, coal tar, soot, amino acids and fatty acid pyrolysis products.

Sources & Potential Exposure

Workers that process coal and petroleum products or where combustion processes are extensive may breathe in benzo(b)fluoranthene from the air or have direct skin contact. The general population may be exposed by breathing in tobacco smoke, exhaust or smoke from other sources (e.g., forest fires). The general population may also be exposed to benzo(b)fluoranthene when eating grilled and smoked meat and fish as well as when eating food prepared with some plant oils. Drinking water may also be a minor route of exposure. If benzo(b)fluoranthene is released to the environment, it will be in or on particles that eventually fall to the ground. It will be broken down in air by reaction with hydroxyl radicals and by sunlight. It will not volatilize into air from soil and water surfaces. It is not expected to move through soil. It will be only slowly broken down by microorganisms and is expected to build up in fish.

Federal Regulations

Benzo(b)fluoranthene is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.(NCI05)

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