PFAS Effectively Remediated at Former Naval Air Station Alameda
Case study highlights:
- Within one year of implementation, >99% PFAS reductions achieved within treatment zone
- Results indicate a near-complete halt of PFAS migration into the estuary
- Site establishes a precedent for easy-to-implement, low-cost, and zero-waste PFAS remediation at military sites
Historical firefighting activities at the former Naval Air Station (NAS) Alameda resulted in high PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) concentrations in the groundwater, threatening the Oakland Inner Harbor. In response, the project team, comprising Bayside Engineering, Construction, Inc. (Bayside), APTIM Federal Services (APTIM), and REGENESIS®, collaboratively implemented a 720-foot in situ permeable reactive barrier (PRB) using PlumeStop® colloidal activated carbon (CAC) technology. This innovative approach created an adsorptive barrier within the polluted aquifer, effectively capturing PFAS and preventing their migration. After one year, the target PFAS compounds were reduced by more than 99% in the treatment zone with significant decreases in the downgradient wells.
UST Site Closure Achieved Following Colloidal Carbon and Bioremediation Treatment
Case study highlights:
- Site cleanup objectives achieved, offsite drinking water protected
- The use of PetroFix enabled the site to earn a No Further Action Status
- PetroFix achieves over 97% Benzene reduction in weathered bedrock
A petroleum odor discovered in a residential production well led to the identification of an underground storage tank (UST) release at an upgradient active gas station. The contamination plume, containing high levels of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), specifically benzene, threatened eight nearby residential drinking wells. Given the urgent need for remediation, PetroFix® was chosen over other methods, including ozone, due to its rapid and effective treatment capabilities. This first-ever PetroFix application in Alabama was highly successful, achieving the site cleanup objectives to demonstrate offsite drinking water protection and earning the site a No Further Action Status.
PetroFix Achieves Success at Delaware Service Station
Case study highlights:
- Site closure targets rapidly met through innovative remediation
- Strategic application of PetroFix® through both grid and barrier injections as well as the direct application of RegenOx® during excavation of highly impacted soils
- Achieved reductions in benzene, toluene, and EDB to near or below detection limits
PetroFix successfully remediated petroleum hydrocarbon contamination, first discovered in the 1980s, at a vacant, former retail service station in Delaware. The strategic application of PetroFix® through both grid and barrier injections as well as the direct application of RegenOx® during excavation of highly impacted soils, significantly reduced high concentrations of benzene and toluene, along with low levels of ethylene dibromide. These interventions brought contaminant levels below the final regulatory cleanup threshold needed to achieve site closure. By implementing PetroFix, the Delaware project achieved reductions in benzene, toluene, and EDB to near or below detection limits, securing an effective, long-term solution for groundwater remediation.
Rapid Elimination of Chlorinated Solvents
Case study highlights:
- The site achieved a greater than 99% reduction in CVOC concentrations
- 90% CVOC concentration reduction goal was achieved within four months post-application
- Ongoing monitoring indicates the continued effectiveness of the treatment, with additional reductions expected in the following months
In Southern California, a retail facility with an active food service tenant faced significant groundwater contamination from chlorinated solvents, primarily tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE), resulting from a historical release at a former dry cleaners on-site, which also impacted adjacent properties. Despite previous remediation efforts, high contaminant concentrations persisted, feeding a contaminant plume. Using 3-D Microemulsion® (3DME), Sulfidated Micro-Scale Zero Valent Iron® (S-MZVI), and Bio Dechlor Inoculum Plus® (BDI Plus), the site achieved a greater than 99% reduction in CVOC concentrations and halted plume migration through biologically enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) and in situ chemical reduction (ISCR), meeting the site’s performance goals.
High-Mass Petroleum Hydrocarbons Treated to Achieve Closure
Case study highlights:
- Injected PersulfOx during three treatment rounds sequenced approximately two months apart
- Toluene reduced by an average of 94% and below the toluene SSTL in all five performance monitoring wells
- Toluene remains below its SSTL following the injection of PersulfOx
A former electric service company upstate of South Carolina reported a release during a UST removal completed at the site in 1988. Aggressive fluid vapor recovery (AFVR) events were completed from 2004 to 2008 and from 2019 to 2020 to address the release, along with groundwater monitoring. Despite these efforts, high concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) remained. Following years of remediation, the final selection and successful application of PersulfOx® effectively reduced high concentrations of toluene in groundwater below the site cleanup goal at an electrical service company upstate of South Carolina. The remediation achieved the site target cleanup objectives and received regulatory closure for the decades-old release incident.
Stringent Site Closure Goals Achieved Using PetroFix
Case study highlights:
- Petroleum impacts effectively remediated at university recreation facility site
- Project goals met in the treated areas within budget and time constraints
- Low-impact, single injection event minimized disturbance to athletic fields
Terracon, a leading environmental engineering and consulting firm, completed the remediation of a university recreational facility in Florida impacted by historic petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination. Under stringent contractual timelines and performance benchmarks set by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Terracon excavated PHC-impacted soils and applied PetroFix® in situ to address residual contamination in the saturated zone. The injection area needed to be restored to its original condition to accommodate upcoming seasonal use. A reliable injection technology was required to achieve the project goals, minimize disruption to the athletic fields, and avoid the need for remobilization. This comprehensive approach successfully met FDEP’s cleanup goals for soil and groundwater where the amendment was applied in the treatment area.
SourceStop Reduces PFAS by >99% at Belgian Factory Site
Case study highlights:
- >99% decrease in groundwater PFAS concentrations
- SourceStop has established a new equilibrium in the treatment zone, reflecting a high degree of controlled PFAS adsorption, with almost no dissolved phase PFAS
- Highly innovative in situ PFAS source remediation approach has potential for widescale application across similarly impacted sites
A textile manufacturing facility in Belgium used per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in its manufacturing process. Over time, spills and leaks led to the accumulation of PFAS in the shallow soil, which eventually leached into the groundwater, forming a diffuse PFAS plume. SourceStop® – Liquid, a colloidal activated carbon (CAC) technology, was applied to reduce PFAS migration beneath the source area. Over five months of monitoring, total PFAS concentrations in groundwater decreased by more than 99%, offering an effective strategy for eliminating PFAS leaching into groundwater below this and other PFAS source areas.
PFAS and CVOC Remediation Paves the Way for Mixed-Use Tower
Case study highlights:
- Certificate of Completion Awarded through New York State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program
- Combined remedy approach using ISCO and colloidal activated carbon to successfully treat CVOC and PFAS contaminants
- Greater than 90% reductions in mass flux achieved at property boundary
This case study reviews a legacy brownfield site in New York that was found to have high concentrations of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs), 1,4-dioxane, and PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). To address this contamination, a combined remedy was implemented: PersulfOx® was applied to reduce contaminant mass at the source, while a PlumeStop® barrier was installed to prevent residual migration beyond the site boundary. This approach resulted in a 90% reduction in groundwater contaminant concentrations and significantly lowered the mass flux at the property boundary. The success of the remediation effort earned the site a Certificate of Completion through New York State’s Brownfield Cleanup Program, paving the way for environmentally responsible redevelopment in this commercially valuable area
Reducing Time and Cost-to-Closure at UST Release Sites
Case study highlights:
- BJAAM has successfully closed four sites, achieving NFA status, with one additional site pending agency review and another site set for a secondary application to address MTBE levels.
- BJAAM develops, stores, and accesses their own PetroFix remedial application designs using the PetroFix Design Assistant
- Site outcomes have led to significant cost savings for BJAAM’s clients and gained confidence from state UST regulatory agencies
The case studies included in this multi-site review include sites where a leading Ohio Valley environmental consulting firm BJAAM Environmental, Inc. effectively used PetroFix in supporting their risk-based corrective action (RBCA) site closure strategy. BJAAM pioneered a streamlined corrective action approach to reduce the time required for achieving site closure, minimizing project costs for its clients. Their approach combines expertly applied Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA) with remedial actions and/or institutional controls designed to achieve site-specific target levels (SSTLs) for petroleum contaminants in well-defined areas of concern. PetroFix aligns with BJAAM’s strategy for managing UST sites as a remedial technology, rapidly reducing and sustaining PHC contaminants below cleanup targets to expedite regulatory closures. The PetroFix in situ treatment approach has proven to be an effective and low-cost solution to address UST releases through various state agency programs.
Closure Achieved at Formerly Used Defense Site
Case study highlights:
- PetroFix application reaches No Further Action at UST release site
- Site meets stringent North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS)
- Visual confirmation in soil cores and monitoring wells allows the field crew to make real-time adjustments to ensure proper distribution
This case study reviews a former Naval Auxiliary Air Station located in the Outer Banks region of North Carolina. After a thorough evaluation of viable remedies for petroleum contamination, the project team opted for an in-situ injection of PetroFix® Remediation Fluid to remediate the contaminants through a combination of sorption and bioremediation by adding electron acceptors. The goal for this site is to achieve closure as cost-effectively as possible. Site closure is most directly achieved by reducing contaminant concentrations below the applicable NCGWQS for four consecutive sampling events. This sorption-enhanced biostimulation approach was evaluated as the most viable, cost-effective means to to reach the NCGWQS targets and achieve site closure in a reasonable timeframe.