Case study highlights:

  • PlumeStop application reduces PFAS to non-detect within 3 months, maintaining for eight years thus far
  • Remediation company IRSL collects critical treatment zone information to ensure successful application
  • Sampling confirms PlumeStop fully distributed through the treatment zone
  • Modeling indicates that PlumeStop will halt PFAS migration out of the treatment zone for more than 60 years

This case study reviews the first known full-scale in situ PFAS treatment worldwide completed in 2016 at a manufacturing and former firefighting training site in Ontario, Canada, where aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) were used. A single application of PlumeStop resulted in a significant reduction of contaminant concentrations to below standards for 8+ years since the injection. An independent fate and transport modeling expert predicts that PlumeStop will halt PFAS migration out of the treatment zone for more than 60 years, preventing exposure risk and reducing liabilities for the site owner.