High Levels of TCE Remediated at Former Chemical Manufacturing Facility, UK
Case study highlights:
- Combined ERD/ISCR treatment has achieved the site’s remedial objectives rapidly and cost-effectively, allowing the site redevelopment to continue
- Lines of evidence suggested high rates of dechlorination continued to occur and that full destruction of the contamination was being achieved
- The in situ application continues to effectively degrade the chlorinated solvent contaminants, reducing the contamination concentrations, overall plume footprint, and exposure risk
- The treatment serves as a model for an effective plume management strategy for large-scale, high-concentration chlorinated solvent sites, including those with significant DNAPL mass
With many site investigations and remediation attempts made over >30 years by other consultants and contractors, Vertase FLI was appointed to undertake the design, management and ultimate sign off of the remediation, which included ex situ bioremediation, asbestros management and a complex upfront site investigation and verification exercise. Vertase employed REGENESIS to remediate a portion of the site where the groundwater was found to be highly contaminated with TCE and lesser concentrations of cis-1,2 DCE. REGENESIS provided an in situ treatment strategy and turnkey solution for the chlorinated solvent source area.
PetroFix Barrier Prevents Offsite Risk at Active Gas Station
Case study highlights:
- Groundwater samples taken post-application demonstrated that all remedial objectives had been met
- PetroFix IPRB was the most sustainable option for the site
- Application completed at a significantly lower cost and in less time than pump and treat
This case study reviews an active gas station in the United Kingdom where dissolved phase contamination at high concentrations in groundwater migrated beyond the site boundary, resulting in a potential off-site liability. An in situ permeable reactive barrier (IPRB) using PetroFix colloidal activated carbon was installed to prevent offsite risk. Environmental consulting firm SLR Consulting partnered with REGENESIS to design and apply the solution, which met site objectives within 12 months. The PetroFix IPRB was the most sustainable option for the site; compared to a source excavation approach, the project prevented up to 55 loads of soil disposal. Substantial energy savings were also made when compared with operating a groundwater pump and treat system. The project was completed for <£100K ($127,300 USD), with only minimal disruption to site operations.
Pilot Projects at Two UK Airports Demonstrate Successful In-Situ PFAS Remediation
Case study highlights:
- Successful colloidal activated carbon treatments have lead to regulatory permission for full-scale remedial projects
- Design Verification Testing (DVT) conducted to confirm the flux of PFAS
- PlumeStop PRBs targeted contaminant flux zones, converting the aquifer into a purifying activated carbon filter
- Groundwater monitoring at both sites showed that PFOS and PFOA were reduced to at, or close to detection limits
This case study reviews two airport sites in the United Kingdom where the groundwater was contaminated with PFAS that had originated from the use of Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF). An in situ approach using colloidal activated carbon permeable reactive barriers (PRB) combined with successful pilot study results allowed for regulatory permission for full-scale PlumeStop PRB installations on both sites. At both sites, PlumeStop barriers were installed perpendicular to groundwater flow downgradient of the fire training areas. Each PlumeStop PRB was installed close to existing groundwater monitoring wells with historical data. This converts the contaminant flux zones in the treatment area into subsurface filters, which adsorb incoming contamination and stop offsite migration. This prevents risk to downgradient receptors, removes offsite liability from the site owner and allows Enhanced Natural Attenuation (ENA) of the downgradient PFAS plume.
PetroFix – EU and UK Project Experience
Case study highlights:
- PetroFix has been successfully used in over 600 sites across 15 countries worldwide, demonstrating its effectiveness in treating petroleum hydrocarbon contamination on a global scale.
- In a commercial redevelopment site in the UK, PetroFix was applied to treat diesel range TPH contamination, allowing for the installation of geothermal boreholes for climate control in a new development while minimizing disruption and ensuring a safe and rapid treatment process.
- PetroFix has been applied in various site types, including fuel depots, industrial tank farms, petroleum retail stations, and oil spill sites, showcasing its versatility and compatibility with different geologies and contamination levels.
This document provides an overview of our Petrofix® project experience across Europe and the UK. PetroFix offers a cost-effective, in situ treatment for petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. It has been used at more than 600 sites to date, across 15 countries worldwide. Applications listed include different project types, such as petrol filling stations, rail depots, active industrial manufacturing facilities, brownfield and oil spill sites, in varying geologies and contaminant concentrations.
225m Permeable Reactive Barrier Treats TCE and Chromium (VI)
Case study highlights:
- A large-scale remediation project with challenging conditions: geology, underground services, ongoing site use and multiple stakeholders
- Treatment of a co-mingled chromium (VI) and TCE plume via enhanced biological dechlorination and chemical reduction, using: S-MicroZVI,
3-D Microemulsion and BDI Plus - Pilot study proves appropriateness of the proposed in situ remedial solution, allowing regulatory sign off for the full scale works.
- Post remediation monitoring results to date show significant chromium reduction and TCE below detection limits
Sustainable and cost-effective remediation of a co-mingled plume in a sensitive chalk aquifer. A 48 hectare site in the UK was to be redeveloped for mixed commercial and residential use. The existing site included a mix of historic and existing industrial land use, including a metal plating works, surrounded by agricultural land and residential housing. The Mott MacDonald engaged early with REGENESIS regarding potential options for remediation.
PetroFix in situ PRB replaces cut-off wall design to benefit redevelopment project
Case study highlights:
- 40m long in situ barrier installation completed within 5 days
- Small working footprint – no disruption to construction works
- This alternative solution provides immediate and long-term groundwater treatment
- GE Awards 2020 winner: The judges commented on the innovative method and recognised the reduced programme and significantly reduced quantities of soil sent to landfill, minimising environmental impact
At the site of a former storage and distribution depot in Coventry, the soils and groundwater were impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons from previous site usage, which included a petrol filling station that had been located just north of the site and also across part of the site itself. Cundall created a multi-phased remediation strategy with Alto Construct to deal with the soils and asked REGENESIS to carry out the groundwater remediation. REGENESIS installed a PetroFix activated carbon permeable reactive barrier at the edge of the site to capture and promote the biological degradation of high levels of dissolved phase contamination migrating on-site, to protect the redevelopment site as well as the adjacent river.
PlumeStop Treatment of Chlorinated Solvents in a Bedrock
Successful pilot study uses colloidal activated carbon to protect
nearby surface waters, United Kingdom
REGENESIS was asked to provide a remediation solution for a Trichloroethylene (TCE) plume in the UK. We worked closely with Golder to design and implement a novel solution that combined Plumestop, HRC and BDI+ to sorb and biologically degrade the contamination, rapidly and effectively reducing contamination downstream to nondetectable
Case Study Highlights
This pilot study shows that treatment of chlorinated solvent plumes is possible using PlumeStop even with challenging conditions such as a: co-mingled plume, fractured bedrock setting, and a highly variable hydraulic conductivity.
The PlumeStop in situ permeable reactive barrier rapidly reduced downgradient contaminant concentrations and maintained these through a combination of sorption and biological degradation,protecting the adjacent surface water receptor.

In situ treatment of MNT, DNT and TNT at former explosives factory
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
Treatment of Cr(VI) and CHC Groundwater Contamination under a Residential Development
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More
Pesticides, VOCs and petroleum hydrocarbons remediated with a suite of in situ technologies
In Situ reagent barriers (HRC) treat contaminated groundwater in sandstone under a schoolRead More