Open Excavation Treatment at Former NJ Service Station

RegenOx® and ORC® Advanced Pellets Remediate Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination

Project Highlights

  • Former service station contaminated with BTEX levels measuring 11 ppm in groundwater and soil impacts removed through excavation
  • Combined remedy to treat the open excavation with both in situ chemical oxidation and enhanced aerobic bioremediation technologies
  • RegenOx and ORC Advanced Pellets technologies are compatible/non-corrosive with underground infrastructure and utilities infrastructure in the subsurface
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Project Summary

A former service station in New Jersey was contaminated with high levels of BTEX (measuring 11 ppm in groundwater pre-treatment). Due to significant amounts of contaminated soil mass remaining at the former service station, an excavation was proposed by the environmental consultant. RegenOx and ORC Advanced Pellets were applied to the open excavation to chemically oxidize remaining saturated impacts and to promote enhanced aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the dissolved phase. Both of these technologies utilize alkaline chemistry (pH > 8), which is non-corrosive to nearby public utilities and the underground infrastructure at the service station.

Remediation Approach

RegenOx and ORC Advanced were co-applied into an open excavation at the former service station site. The excavation extended approximately four feet into the saturated zone. Because the excavation was limited by physical constraints, RegenOx, a chemical oxidant, was applied to the base of the excavation to oxidize and desorb residual petroleum mass from the soil. ORC Advanced Pellets were co-applied to provide a slow release of oxygen (up to 12 months longevity) that promotes enhanced aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. In total, 2,000 pounds of RegenOx and 882 pounds of ORC Advanced Pellets were co-applied to the 2,600 square foot excavation area.

Technology Description

The advanced formulation of the Oxygen Release Compound (ORC Advanced) is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxy-hydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration. The pelletized form of ORC Advanced were designed to improve safety and handling for excavation applications.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled direct oxidation and free-radical reactions. This product maximizes in situ performance through the use of a solid alkaline oxidant (a sodium percarbonate complex) and a multi-part catalyst. These oxidation reactions do not inhibit natural bacterial populations and are compatible with biological treatment methods.

Combined Remedies Treat BTEX Contamination on Government Property

Ontario, Canada Site Remediated with ORC® Advanced and RegenOx®

Project Highlights

  • In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) and Enhanced Biodegradation used post-excavation to treat residual contamination.
  • Extensive site mapping conducted with membrane interface probe (MIP) to detect distinct zones of higher mass contamination.
  • 95% reductions seen in dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon contamination.
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Project Summary

A large public works property in Ontario, Canada was contaminated with TPH. Approximately 5,000 gallons of fuel was released into the subsurface primarily due to fuel theft that had taken place on-site. Due to significant volumes of free-product, an excavation occurred followed by skimming activities from 2005-2010. Through extensive site evaluation, it was determined that there was a need for further mass reduction using ISCO.. RegenOx® ISCO was selected for use in the heavily and moderately impacted areas. Enhanced aerobic biodegradation using ORC® Advanced was selected for use in the dissolved-phase areas downgradient from the source. Overall, 96% reductions were seen in dissolved phase petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations.

Remediation Approach

Membrane interface probe (MIP) data was collected and proved to be integral for the remediation design and implementation. Distinct zones with high mass were present on-site and detected through the probe. RegenOx and ORC Advanced were applied via direct-push injections. Approximately 150,000 pounds of RegenOx and 45,000 pounds of ORC Advanced were applied over several injections. Higher concentrations of RegenOx were applied into the vertical zones of higher contamination to improve overall product performance.

Technology Description

Advanced Formula Oxygen Release Compound is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxy-hydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

Remediation at Multiple Service Stations using Badger Application System

RegenOx® Applied to Three Long Island Sites Contaminated with High BTEX Levels

Project Highlights

  • BTEX levels higher than 20 mg/L observed on-site.
  • Badger Injection System allowed for high volume applications of up to 700 gallons per injection point.
  • In Situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) using 56,400 pounds of RegenOx® was used at three service station sites.
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Project Summary

Several service station sites in Long Island, N.Y. were contaminated with high levels of BTEX. In heavily impacted areas, BTEX levels were higher than 20 mg/L. RegenOx was applied to the sites using the Badger Injection System, which is operated by Environmental Assessment and Remediation (EAR). The Badger injection process is used to deliver large volumes of reagent to targeted treatment zones. The objective is to obtain widespread distribution of reagent. Typical injection volumes are 500 to 700 gallons per injection point.

Remediation Approach

The Long Island sites range in size from 600-square-feet to over 4,000-square-feet.
Injection Amounts:

  • Site 1 – 30,000 pounds of RegenOx; 4 Injection Events
  • Site 2 – 24,000 pounds of RegenOx; 3 Injection Events
  • Site 3 – 2,400 pounds of RegenOx; 2 Injection Events

Technology Description

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled direct oxidation and free-radical reactions. This product maximizes in situ performance through the use of a solid alkaline oxidant (a sodium percarbonate complex) and a multi-part catalyst. These oxidation reactions do not inhibit natural bacterial populations and are compatible with biological treatment methods.

Regulatory Goals Met in 30 Days in Complex Industrial Dry Cleaner Plant Remediation

Project Highlights

  • PCE contaminant concentrations met remediation goals within 30 days post-application
  • No rebound post-application
  • Remediation goals met for site closure submittal
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Project Summary

An industrial dry cleaning plant in West Allis, Wisconsin was equipped with multiple underground storage tanks (USTs) which stored the degreasing agent perchloroethylene (PCE). The UST releases date back to 50 years and created a treatment area of approximately 4,500 square feet. An in situ, combined remedies treatment approach was implemented onsite using a range of reagents including PlumeStop®, RegenOx®, Hydrogen Release Compound (HRC®) and BioDechlor INOCULUM Plus (BDI® Plus). This site was planned for future development, consequently the remediation approach was designed to achieve site closure by removing the residual source in the vadose zone and treating the deep groundwater plume.

Remediation Approach

Starting in the residual source area, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) was applied via soil mixing down to a depth of 7 ft. below ground surface. The ISCO program using RegenOx was designed to treat a total of 140 tons of PCE-impacted clay soil with initial concentrations measuring 169 mg/kg and a remediation goal of <14 mg/kg. To address the deep groundwater plume with PCE concentrations as high as 13,800 ppb, fast-acting, PlumeStop was applied through a series of deep injection wells approximately 80 to 95 ft. below ground surface. The use of PlumeStop allows remediation practitioners to quickly reduce concentrations over a wide-area with the long-term assurance of biodegradation. HRC and BDI Plus were co-applied with PlumeStop to enhance the biodegradation process.

Technology Description

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants and maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

PlumeStop is an innovative in situ remediation technology designed to rapidly reduce contaminant concentrations, stop migrating plumes, eliminate contaminant rebound, achieve stringent clean-up standards, and treat back-diffusing contaminants.

HRC is a controlled release, electron donor material, highly efficient for the production of dissolved hydrogen to fuel anaerobic biodegradation processes in soil and groundwater.

Bio-Dechlor INOCULUM Plus is a species of Dehalococcoides sp. (DHC), enriched to increase its ability to rapidly dechlorinate contaminants during in situ bioremediation processes.


The ISCO application of RegenOx, and combined approach using HRC, BDI Plus and PlumeStop rapidly reduced contaminant concentrations to achieve the remediation goal in just 30 days post-application. As a result, the client has submitted for site closure. Using an innovative combined remedies approach provides environmental remediation professionals with an effective solution for treating sites that present multiple challenges including hard to treat contaminants, sites with lengthy history of impacted soils, difficult geologies, and time constraints.

Roadside Fuel Transport Spill Treated with Combined Remediation Approach

Project Highlights

  • Combined remediation approach treats contaminants that remained following emergency excavation
  • RegenOx® and ORC Advanced® selected to eliminate need for dedicated groundwater treatment infrastructure
  • BTEX levels reduced by 97% to below non-detect levels in the two highest concentration wells

Project Summary

A rural site located in south-central North Carolina required remediation to treat petroleum contamination from an overturned tanker truck. Excavation activities during an emergency response removed much of the contaminant mass, however additional contamination in soil and groundwater remained after the excavation was completed.

In the two highest-concentration wells, total BTEX averaged more than 1,300 μg/L in the four quarterly groundwater monitoring events prior to treatment.

A combined chemical oxidation and aerobic bioremediation treatment was employed to eliminate the need for dedicated groundwater treatment infrastructure at this roadside location to advance the site to regulatory closure.

The products selected were RegenOx, an in situ chemical oxidant, and ORC Advanced, an enhanced aerobic bioremediation product. The treatment covered a 3,900-square-foot area through 30 direct-push injection points in the former spill area.

Technology Description

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

ORC Advanced is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxy-hydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration.


Within 18 months of treatment, the site was under natural attenuation monitoring prior to regulatory closure with five of the six wells already below stringent regulatory requirements.

Residential Property Treated for TPHd Concentrations in Groundwater

Project Highlights

  • Excavation and remediation injections performed in a tight residential setting with intense local community involvement.
  • Treatment included shoring/excavation, soil handling and off-site disposal, in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), bioremediation and sewer replacement.
  • Groundwater sampling post-remediation indicates an overall decrease in TPHd concentrations and monitoring is ongoing.

Project Summary

An underground heating oil storage tank contaminated the groundwater below a residential property in Northern California. The two-story home, located near a downtown beach community, had a 100-gallon heating oil tank that was removed in 1994. Site investigation and groundwater monitoring activities were conducted since the removal, when apparent petroleum hydrocarbon impacts were identified. TPHd concentrations of 3,300 ug/L were detected on-site.

Remediation proved to be difficult considering the location of the residential property. The home was surrounded by other residences on three of its corners, with a bed and breakfast and swimming school located to the northwest of the property. A tight injection approach was required so the neighboring properties were not disturbed.

Remediation Approach

To meet the objective mass reduction of residual TPHd in both soil and groundwater, the remedial approach combined excavation/shoring and removal of TPHd impacted soils. It also included ISCO using RegenOx® and bioremediation using Oxygen Release Compound (ORC Advanced®). Approximately 233 cubic yards of soil were removed. A total of 2,350 pounds of RegenOx Part A and 1,320 pounds of Regenox Part B, along with 716 pounds of ORC Advanced® in slurry form, was injected into the subsurface via 16 direct-push injections.

Technology Description

ORC Advanced is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxy-hydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

Combined Technologies Treat High TBA Levels

Site Closure Pending at Active California Retail Petroleum Service Station

Project Highlights

  • A range of various remediation approaches were applied at the site over a span of 20 years.
  • Enhanced Aerobic Biodegradation (EAB) remediation approach replaces soil excavation plan at site.
  • Site closure pending.

Project Summary

An active service station in Southern California was contaminated with high levels of TBA and TPH-g. Various active remediation approaches took place on-site for nearly 20 years including excavation of the underground storage tanks and dispensers, soil vapor extraction and groundwater pump and treat. Although the active remediation reduced concentrations at the source, contamination levels remained high. Regenesis became involved with the site in 2011 and after two applications of enhanced aerobic biodegradation using ORC® Advanced and RegenOx®, site closure is pending.

Remediation Approach

In 1995, the underground storage tanks and dispensers were excavated and 257 tons of contaminated soil was removed. From 2003 to 2009, dissolved oxygen injection was applied into seven injection wells and in 2009, over 6,000 gallons of water was extracted from one well. In November 2011, Regenesis became involved in the project and proposed a combined remedies approach.

The remedy implemented at the site from November 2011 through November 2012 included introduction of a controlledrelease molecular oxygen into the subsurface water to promote bio-degradation of the fuel hydrocarbons. The implementation of the remedy was completed in two phases with the initial injection activities being completed in November 2011. A second injection event was completed at the site in November 2012. Approximately a total of 6,000 pounds of ORC Advanced and 480 pounds of RegeneOx were applied on-site.

Contaminant concentrations were analyzed in the most recent monitoring events and compared to pre-injection concentrations. Results for performance monitoring well MW 1 were the most significant as all contaminant concentrations decreased to below regulatory limits (Table 1). Closure has been requested and is currently pending.

Technology Description

Advanced Formula Oxygen Release Compound (ORC Advanced®) is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxyhydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

Combined Remedies Replace Costly Mechanical Remediation Systems

RegenOx® and ORC® Advanced Treat MTBE/TBA at Five Active California Service Stations

Project Highlights

  • In Situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), enhanced aerobic biodegradation replaced costly mechanical remediation systems.
  • Underground infrastructure required extra precaution when applying remediation reagents on each site.
  • Site closure or review of site closure at all five service stations

Project Summary

Five sites in Orange County, CA were selected for remediation using ISCO and enhanced aerobic biodegradation. All of the selected sites were gasoline service stations that were contaminated with low levels of hydrocarbons methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) and elevated levels of the MTBE biodegradation daughter product tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA). The initial remediation approach consisted of soil vapor extraction, air sparging and dual phase extraction; however, contaminant concentrations remained elevated, impeding regulatory closure.

The decision was made to transition from mechanical-based remediation systems using a combination of ISCO and enhanced aerobic biodegradation to achieve site closure criteria with various regulatory agencies.

Remediation Approach

Initial mass reduction was achieved using mechanical systems, however concentrations remained too high for regulatory closure. The goal was to reduce the remaining levels of petroleum hydrocarbons, MTBE and TBA using RegenOx and ORC Advanced. The service station included up to three direct-push injection applications of the reagents into areas where underground infrastructure was present on each site. RegenOx and ORC Advanced are both highly compatible with subsurface infrastructure so it was more of a challenge from a physical injection vantage. O&M strategy required monitoring of REDOX and microbial shifts. All five sites have been closed or under review for closure under the local regulatory agencies.

Advanced Formula Oxygen Release Compound (ORC Advanced®) is a proprietary formulation of food-grade, calcium oxyhydroxide that produces a controlled-release of molecular oxygen for periods of up to 12 months upon hydration.

Technology Description

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

$1 Million Dollar Savings for Insurance Funded Remediation Project through Use of In Situ Chemical Oxidation and Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination

Combined Remedies Treat PCE Contamination at Active Dry Cleaner

Project Highlights

  • Combined Remedies Approach (ISCO & ERD) implemented in unison near and below active dry cleaning facility.
  • Sustained reduction of contaminants below clean-up levels observed 20 months after initial application.
  • ISCO & ERD approach approximately $1,000,000 less expensive than proposed dual-phase extraction system option.

Project Summary

An active dry cleaner site located within a multi-use commercial development strip mall was impacted with high levels of PCE vapors. A subsequent investigation revealed groundwater impacts below the building and outside the building in a former filter storage area.

The original remediation plan involved a dual-phase extraction system with an estimated cost of approximately $1.3 million. An alternative approach consisting of in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) coupled with enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) was proposed by KERAMIDA and ultimately selected by the funding source. To date, the ISCO/ERD approach has cost less than $200,000, including 2 years of monitoring and multiple indoor air/sub-slab vapor sampling events. $50,000 – $75,000 in additional remediation/monitoring is anticipated to achieve closure, resulting in an estimated total savings of $1,000,000 for this project being funded by insurance companies.

Remediation Approach

KERAMIDA developed a remediation work plan consisting of an ISCO injection into the permeable fill material directly beneath the floor of the dry cleaning space (Source Area), combined with a plume-wide ERD injection.

Injection points for both RegenOx® and 3-D Microemulsion® were installed inside the dry cleaner because there was insufficient clearance for the drilling equipment. The remainder of the ERD injection points outside the building were advanced using direct push technologies.

After approximately six months of post-injection monitoring, the data suggested insufficient bacteria were present to promote accelerated reductive dechloriation. Consequently, the bioaugmentation substrate BDI Plus was applied within the ERD treatment area. Graph to the right shows results from key well within this area.

As indicated above, the bioaugmentation substrate rapidly reduced the daughter products generated as a result of the initial electron donor injection. Two years of groundwater monitoring has been performed since the initial injection and CVOC concentrations in all of the wells, except one source-area well, are below the onsite remedial standard (groundwater migration to indoor airscreening level). In addition, two downgradient wells just outside the treatment area have slightly elevated TCE and VC concentrations.

A small supplemental injection is currently planned for the source area (to further reduce the VC concentration to below the screening level) and around the two off-site wells to reduce the minor cVOC concentrations to below residential levels so that deed restrictions are not required.

Technology Description

3-D Microemulsion is an engineered electron donor material that offers a novel 3-stage electron donor release profile, pH neutral chemistry and is delivered on-site as a factory-emulsified product.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

Bio-Dechlor INOCULUM Plus is an enriched natural microbial consortium containing species of Dehalococcoides sp. (DHC). This microbial consortium has since been enriched to increase its ability to rapidly dechlorinate contaminants during in situ bioremediation processes.
After approximately six months of post-injection monitoring, the data suggested insufficient bacteria were present to promote accelerated reductive dechloriation. Consequently, the bioaugmentation substrate BDI Plus was applied within the ERD treatment area. Graph to the right shows results from key well within this area.

As indicated above, the bioaugmentation substrate rapidly reduced the daughter products generated as a result of the initial electron donor injection. Two years of groundwater monitoring has been performed since the initial injection and CVOC concentrations in all of the wells, except one source-area well, are below the onsite remedial standard (groundwater migration to indoor airscreening level). In addition, two downgradient wells just outside the treatment area have slightly elevated TCE and VC concentrations.

A small supplemental injection is currently planned for the source area (to further reduce the VC concentration to below the screening level) and around the two off-site wells to reduce the minor cVOC concentrations to below residential levels so that deed restrictions are not required.

About the Consultant

KERAMIDA Inc. is an engineering and consulting firm that serves industries, businesses, cities, and governments worldwide. They provide strategy and implementation services in: Sustainability, Green House Gases, Energy, Environmental Compliance, Remediation, Environmental Due Diligence, Brownfield Redevelopment, Plant Decommissioning, Health & Safety, Training, Risk Management, and ISO Management Systems. Established in 1988, KERAMIDA is headquartered in the historic Lockerbie Square district of Indianapolis, Indiana. The firm employs over 70 technical experts and support personnel in offices throughout the U.S., including Chicago, IL; Pittsburgh, PA; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA, Sacramento, CA. KERAMIDA’s many principals have worked for over 25 years in the sustainability, environmental, health & safety, and remediation arenas, and are recognized leaders in their fields. Their engineers, scientists, and planners are renowned for delivering creative, integrated EHS solutions to a broad range of clients throughout the U.S. and abroad.

Combined Remedies Approach (Dual Phase Extraction, ISCO and ERD) Lead to Rapid Results on a Guaranteed Cost to Closure Project in Indiana

3- D Microemulsion, BDI Plus and RegenOx Reduce cVOC Concentrations

Project Highlights

  • Guaranteed cost to closure project.
  • ISCO coupled with dual-phase extraction was successful in reducing cVOC concentrations within the core source area.
  • Plume-wide ERD injection resulted in meeting remedial goals within 18-20 months.
  • Combined remedy approach (ISCO & ERD) accelerated the time to closure allowing project to be completed within budget

Project Summary

A plating plant in Batesville, Indiana was contaminated with chlorinated VOCs. A subsequent investigation identified a plume of TCE extending from the building approximately 250 feet down gradient (off-site and onto private property across a street).

Remediation Approach

The initial remedial approach involved installation and operation of a dual-phase extraction (DPE) system throughout most of the plume area (26 extraction wells), which operated for approximately 1 ½ years. Approximately one year after the DPE system installation, a core area in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) injection of RegenOx® was performed by KERAMIDA and Regenesis Remediation Services (RRS). ISCO combined with further operation of the DPE system was effective in additional reductions of cVOC concentrations in the groundwater. Upon conclusion of these efforts, the DPE system was shut down to allow for enhanced reductive dechlorination process to take place.

A successful enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) pilot test with 3-D Microemulsion® and BDI® Plus was performed around two off-site wells at the leading edge of the plume. Based on the success of this test, an ERD injection was performed in a newly-identified source area with outstanding results in the first six months. Consequently, the DPE system remained shut down and a full-scale ERD injection was performed in the core area of the plume.

Approximately 9 months after the full scale injections, a very small supplemental injection was performed in the off-site area where the pilot study was done and another in an area where no injection was performed. One year after the full-scale ERD injection, cVOC concentrations are below the target cleanup levels in all wells with the exception of two slightly elevated VC concentrations, which are expected to decrease shortly.

Technology Description

3-D Microemulsion is an engineered electron donor material that offers a novel 3-stage electron donor release profile, pH neutral chemistry and is delivered on-site as a factory-emulsified product.

RegenOx is an advanced chemical oxidation technology that destroys contaminants through powerful, yet controlled chemical reactions and not through biological means. This product maximizes in situ performance while using a solid alkaline oxidant that employs a sodium percarbonate complex with a multi-part catalytic formula.

Bio-Dechlor INOCULUM Plus is an enriched natural microbial consortium containing species of Dehalococcoides sp. (DHC). This microbial consortium has since been enriched to increase its ability to rapidly dechlorinate contaminants during in situ bioremediation processes.

About the Consultant

KERAMIDA Inc. is an engineering and consulting firm that serves industries, businesses, cities, and governments worldwide. They provide strategy and implementation services in: Sustainability, Green House Gases, Energy, Environmental Compliance, Remediation, Environmental Due Diligence, Brownfield Redevelopment, Plant Decommissioning, Health & Safety, Training, Risk Management, and ISO Management Systems. Established in 1988, KERAMIDA is headquartered in the historic Lockerbie Square district of Indianapolis, Indiana. The firm employs over 70 technical experts and support personnel in offices throughout the U.S., including Chicago, IL; Pittsburgh, PA; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA, Sacramento, CA. KERAMIDA’s many principals have worked for over 25 years in the sustainability, environmental, health & safety, and remediation arenas, and are recognized leaders in their fields. Their engineers, scientists, and planners are renowned for delivering creative, integrated EHS solutions to a broad range of clients throughout the U.S. and abroad.