
An active gasoline station in Springerville, Arizona was listed as a hazardous Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) site by the ADEQ. After 30 years of partial remediation using a number of approaches, REGENESIS was contacted by the environmental consultant to perform two separate injection events approximately one month apart. Both events included injections at 15 injection wells installed in a weathered bedrock formation over a range of depths. The first round of injections included a combination of PersulfOx and ORC Advanced. The second round of injections contained only PersulfOx.

During both injections, PersulfOx and ORC Advanced were successfully applied within the treatment area and at the targeted treatment interval of 18 to 60 ft. bags. Low to moderate injection pressures and application flow rates were observed at each of the injection well locations, indicating good distribution of the amendments. Increases in dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, and oxidation-reduction potential were observed, indicating good distribution and influence of the PersulfOx and ORC Advanced remediation chemistry.

ISCO/Biodegradation Approach Achieves Rapid
Closure for a 30-Year Open LUST Case