holiday safety tips from REGENESIS

With festive decorations decking the halls and the excitement of the holidays in the air, it’s easy to forget about safety precautions and careful behavior. Remembering to include safety in your plans is just as important now as it is throughout the the year! Wintery weather and travel far and near to visit friends and family present opportunities for employing effective safety and home security best practices you may consider adding to your holiday routine.

We suggest following these safety tips to ensure a safe, prepared and enjoyable holiday season free of stress and worry.

  • Take Special Care with Your Children.Kids get excited, especially concerning a new place, new people, or new Many locations aren’t as childproof as your own home. Make sure their environment is safe and secure. Common items to look out for include: Batteries, Fire hazards, securing firearms, Liquid Laundry Packets, medication, TV and Furniture Tip-Overs, Water hazards
  • If you’re travelling or a guest, be alert for potentially dangerous food, drinks, household items, toys, tools, choking hazards, etc.
  • If you host, don’t wait to clean up after a party. Children or pets may ingestitems left out like alcohol, food, or decorations – which all pose health risks.
  • Poinsettias are poisonous to man and beast; keep them far from children and pets.
  • Be alert for fire hazards. Most residential fires occur during the winter months, and it often occurs when you’re caught up in good company.
  • Never leave sources of fire or heat unattended.
  • Never use charcoal- or gasoline-fueled devices indoors.

Step aside for professionals and experts.

  • Leave the fireworks to the professionals.
  • Leave the grilling to the experienced grill chefs.

If you’re decorating,

  • Clean and inspect the location in addition to inspecting ladders and tools prior to use.
  • Never block exits.
  • Never use damaged accessories, cords, lighting sources, etc.
  • Never overload electrical outlets or cables.
  • Ensure your holiday lights are in good working condition devoid of damage (frayed, aged, cracked, etc.)
  • All outdoor electrical items should be plugged into GFI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets for extra protection.
  • Always opt for non-flammable material (Christmas Trees, Decorations, Sleepwear.)

From all of us at REGENESIS, we wish you a wonderful and safe Holiday and a Happy New Year.