Article | Pandora’s PFAS Box: Life Cycle Exposure Considerations of Treatment Options for PFAS in Groundwater

In the Spring Issue of Remediation Journal, Linda Hall, John Wilson, PhD, and Jeremy Birnstingl, PhD, discuss PFAS exposure risks associated with pump-and-treat solutions for groundwater.

In This Article, Learn More About:

  • Human exposure potential throughout the life cycle of various remediation technologies.
  • A colloidal activated carbon technology used in situ, which avoids surface contamination, generates no PFAS waste, and eliminates PFAS risk and human exposure.
  • The principal difference between pump and treat and in situ colloidal activated carbon.

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Free Webinar | SourceStop: Effective PFAS Treatment for Soil and Groundwater in Source Areas

This webinar presentation by Paul Erickson, PhD, VP of Research & Development, and Steve Barnes, Director of Remediation Services, provides an overview of a new technology for the effective treatment of PFAS-contaminated soil and groundwater in the source area.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Available in solid and liquid formulations, SourceStop® allows treatment to be customized to meet the specific needs of any site.
  • Significantly reduces the leaching of soil contamination and halts the migration of PFAS in groundwater, eliminating risk to downgradient receptors.
  • Safe and easy to handle, SourceStop liquid and solid formats can be used independently, in combination, or with a downgradient PlumeStop barrier to provide a complete, low-cost, zero-waste solution for PFAS sites.

eBook | Why Target PFAS Source Zones?

Targeting PFAS Source Zones:

  • Accumulation of PFAS in the soil creates significant reservoirs of contaminant mass.
  • These plumes represent a risk to downgradient environmental and human receptors such as potable drinking water wells, surface water bodies, and the aquifer itself. These risks generate potentially significant liabilities for the landowners on which the source areas are located.
  • The PFAS source-plume system can be treated through a targeted application of SourceStop in the source zone.

Upcoming Free Webinar | The Fallacy of Pumping to Remove PFAS from Aquifers & Proven Advantages of In Situ Remediation

We are pleased to have Scott Wilson, President and CEO of REGENESIS share information on the misconceptions surrounding the use of pumping groundwater to flush PFAS from aquifers. In situ PFAS remediation is then explained and an overview is presented of performance expectations of this widely adopted remediation approach.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Elimination of PFAS risk
  • Time required to pump aquifers of PFAS hazard
  • Impact and ramifications of CERCLA designation relating to liability and risk
  • Key scientific research cited in support of in situ remedial approach for PFAS
  • Design of colloidal activated carbon remediation system
  • Longevity of in situ treatment with colloidal carbon
  • Costs of PFAS remediation on actual projects

Schedule an Appointment | Meet Us at the Battelle Chlorinated Conference

We are pleased to announce that experts from REGENESIS and Land Science are available at the upcoming Battelle Chlorinated Conference to meet with you to learn more about our industry-leading solutions for contaminated sites, including:

  • In situ remediation of PFAS that is 65% lower cost than pump-and-treat methods
  • Cutting-edge colloidal technologies to treat chlorinated solvent contamination
  • PetroFix, an activated carbon remediation technology to rapidly and effectively treat petroleum hydrocarbons
  • Vapor barrier technologies that are more protective and more cost-effective
Paul Erickson

Paul Erickson, PhD, VP of Research & Development

Platform Presentation: Assessment, Planning, and Execution of Passive Methods to Measure Mass Flux and Groundwater Velocity

Platform Presentation: Sorption-Supported Biological Dechlorination: Laboratory and Field Lines of Evidence

Jeremy Birnstingl, PhD, VP of Environmental Technology, Europe

Platform Presentation: Colloidal Activated Carbon Barrier Long-Term Performance: Ten-Year Review Supported by Aspect Ratio Analysis, Flux Measurement and Modelling

John Freim, PhD, Director of Materials Science

Platform Presentation: Sulfidated Zero-Valent Iron: Theory, Mechanisms, and Performance Review

Todd Herrington

Todd Herrington, Director of Product Management

Platform Presentation: Implementing Effective In Situ Permeable Colloidal Activated Carbon (CAC) Barriers to Stop Hydrocarbon Plume Migration

Brett Hicks, Senior Technical Manager

Platform Presentation: Combined Remedy PRB Approach Arrests 1500-ft CVOC Plume Protecting Surface Water Body while Saving Client $380K

Keith Gaskill

Keith Gaskill, Regional Design Manager

Platform Presentation: Colloidal Activated Carbon Treats PFAS Impacts at AFFF Training Areas at Three Regional Airports

Owen Miller, Senior Design Specialist

Platform Presentation: Successful In Situ Treatment of Hexavalent Chromium in Saturated Clay Soils Using ISCR Enhanced Bioremediation

 Connect with us at Upcoming Events 


5/28 – 5/30/2024 | Orlando, FL

2024 Chlorinated Conference

6/2 – 6/6/2024 | Denver, CO

Michigan AIPG Environmental Risk Management Workshop

6/11 – 6/12/2024 | Roscommon, MI

SAME Camp Pendleton Day

6/27/2024 | Camp Pendleton, CA


REGENESIS offers remediation professionals a suite of innovative technologies and services to treat a wide range of contaminants, including petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, PFAS and metals. If you are looking for a solution to ensure success on your next remediation project, contact us today.

Article | Less Than 1/3 the Cost Compared to ANY PFAS Pumping Treatment Method

An article in Environmental Science & Engineering discusses a life cycle study conducted by Ramboll that finds colloidal activated carbon results in a greater than 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the treatment life cycle and is less than 1/3 of the cost as compared to pump and treat methods to address PFAS.
  • Widescale adoption of PlumeStop to mitigate PFAS exposure risk promises to save billions of dollars and eliminate millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions
  • PFAS compounds for treatment were reduced below detection limits at colloidal activated carbon study sites
  • No waste generated (therefore no further potential liability)

Article | Less Than 1/3 the Cost Compared to ANY PFAS Pumping Treatment Method

An article in Environmental Science & Engineering discusses a life cycle study conducted by Ramboll that finds colloidal activated carbon results in a greater than 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions over the treatment life cycle and is less than 1/3 of the cost as compared to pump and treat methods to address PFAS.
  • Widescale adoption of PlumeStop to mitigate PFAS exposure risk promises to save billions of dollars and eliminate millions of tons of greenhouse gas emissions
  • PFAS compounds for treatment were reduced below detection limits at colloidal activated carbon study sites
  • No waste generated (therefore no further potential liability)