Key Benefits
Flexible solution
- Solid and Liquid forms target different problem areas
- Tailored, holistic solutions for each site
Safe and easy treatment
- Low dust
- Non-hazardous products
Low-cost, low-impact
- No operation and maintenance cost
- No waste
- Low carbon footprint
- Full design and installation support
- Performance warranty available with combined down-gradient treatment
In Situ Treatment for PFAS-Impacted Soils and Groundwater in Source Areas
SourceStop® prevents leaching of PFAS from soils and halts further migration in groundwater to eliminate the risk to downgradient receptors. Available in Liquid and Solid formulations, SourceStop’s colloidal activated carbon (CAC) technology provides unsurpassed distribution, penetrating and permanently coating impacted soils.
Engineered for easy application, rapid results and long-term treatment, SourceStop is an adaptable and affordable solution for PFAS sites.
SourceStop - Solid
What does it treat?
PFAS contaminated soils in the source area
What is it?
Engineered composite aggregate (0.5-2.0mm) material, comprising colloidal activated carbon (1-2µm) and powdered activated carbon (20µm).
How is it applied?
SourceStop is easily mixed into the impacted soils using excavators/site equipment. Designed to be low dust and rapidly applied, the composites disintegrate quickly, releasing colloidal activated carbon to penetrate and coat the target soils.
What does it do?
Rapidly and permanently reduces the leachability of PFAS on the soils. The discharge of PFAS into the underlying groundwater is therefore minimised, allowing attenuation of the downgradient plume.

Defense Sites
Fire Training Areas
Industrial Sites
SourceStop - Liquid
What does it treat?
PFAS contaminated capillary fringe and groundwater in the source area.
What is it?
A liquid composed of fine particles of colloidal activated carbon (1-2µm) suspended in water.
How is it applied?
It is injected into the capillary fringe and aquifer at low pressure using direct push technology. It can also be spray-applied into excavation bases.
What does it do?
Prevents discharge of PFAS contamination from the air water interface in the capillary fringe. Sorbs and prevents further movement of dissolved PFAS contamination in the groundwater, allowing the downgradient plume to attenuate.

Application Methods
- SourceStop Solid: Excavators, augers, soil mixing equipment
- SourceStop Liquid: Low pressure injection or spray

Target Contaminants
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Rapid Risk Reduction
- Protects human health
- Protects the environment

Cost Savings
- Avoid excavation and disposal cost
- Avoid high, ongoing and uncertain costs from pump and treat
- No operational cost

Accurate & Flexible
- Targets vadose and saturated zone source areas
- Site-specific design
- Combine with in situ plume treatment for guaranteed risk elimination

Sustainable Solution
- No waste created
- No hazardous waste disposal required
- No ongoing operational activities and energy use