In this webinar we were pleased to have special guest speaker Joseph Good, PE, LEED AP, Associate at Langan. His presentation discussed brownfield remediation projects that highlight the importance of evolving remedies for successful site closure. He was joined by Maureen Dooley, Vice President – Industrial Sector at REGENESIS.

Highlights of this webinar:

  • Field case studies from urban brownfield remediation sites from investigation phase through treatability studies and field implementation
  • Successful adjustments to initial remedial plans due to findings during the field implementation
  • Responding effectively to evolving development schedules/plans to facilitate successful completion of the remedial program

Environmental remediations are carefully planned from the extensive field investigations that makeup the basis for design through the research and development of cutting-edge remedial products. Bench-scale studies are performed to confirm applicability and determine design parameters for the in-situ remedy implementation. While the latest scientific research combined with site-specific data may provide confidence in achieving remedial goals, there are often complications with execution of the remedy that require amendments and adjustments to reach the desired endpoint and final site closure. This presentation will include evaluation of multiple urban brownfield remediation sites from investigation phase through treatability studies and field implementation. This presentation will highlight adjustments to initial remedial plans due to findings during the field implementation, subsequent monitoring, and evolving development schedules/plans to facilitate successful completion of the remedial program. Key findings from each project will highlight the importance of evolving remedies to successful site closure.


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