SourceStop Named in TIME’s Best Inventions 2024 List
Featured Technology
AquiFix: an innovative, micron-scale electron donor
AquiFix® is the world’s first solid, micron-scale electron donor. The technology has been designed to be compatible and co-injectable with PlumeStop and S-MicroZVI, offering many benefits to the treatment of chlorinated compounds.
Featured Case Study
SourceStop Protects Off-Site Environment from PFAS
At Haugesund Airport in Norway, Avinor and COWI used our in situ treatment technology SourceStop® to minimise the further off-site migration of PFAS in groundwater during and after source removal measures.
Webinar On Demand
Synergistic remediation to achieve stringent CHC targets
This webinar explores the benefits of combining In Situ Stabilisation (ISS), Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination (ERD) and In Situ Chemical Reduction (ISCR) to protect sensitive offsite receptors from chlorinated solvent contamination.
REGENESIS products typically provide the following benefits:
Food grade, environmentally safe and easy to handle materials.
Patented controlled-release technology (CRT)™ provides maximum product longevity and optimized oxygen and hydrogen release profiles.
Total Lower Cost to Remediate than MNA and operations and maintenance-intensive engineered mechanical systems, and with a smaller carbon footprint.
In Situ or in-place treatment eliminates any requirements for permanent on-site equipment, piping, tanks, etc.

Enhanced biodegradation rates typically 10 to 100 times faster than intrinsically slow, naturally occurring rates.

Greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness than high volume, rapidly consumed or wasted commodity products.

Experience and a proven track record of success with hundreds of published papers and product applications on over 28,000 sites worldwide.

Professional and highly experienced technical services, application design and cost estimate free of charge.