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Advanced In Situ Barrier Treatment Secures No Further Action

S-MicroZVI and PlumeStop drive multi-year ISCR treatment success, meeting stringent regulatory levels Case Study Highlights: Successful groundwater treatment for TAUW…

Rapid Hydrocarbon Remediation at an Industrial Site in Northern Italy

PetroFix minimizes site disruption, allowing redevelopment to go ahead A vacant industrial site in an urban area in Northern Italy,…
image of PetroFix mixing area setup onsite

PetroFix Eliminates Hydrocarbon Plume Migration

Permeable reactive barrier installed in underground car park in Northern Italy This case study explains the installation of a PetroFix…
Benchmark case study

New York Brownfield Site Achieves Site Closure

Case study highlights In situ remedy replaces ex situ system and achieves PCE and TCE cleanup targets at former metals…
PlumeStop and ZVI

Challenging Fast-Moving, High Concentration Chlorinated Solvent Plume Effectively Treated

Case study highlights A permeable reactive barrier installed using advanced colloidal technologies demonstrates pilot test’s effectiveness treating a fast-moving, high-concentration…
ZVI application

Remediation of TCE Plume Speeds Sale of Brownfield Site

Case study highlights At a former manufacturing site in Fullerton, California, a trichloroethylene (TCE) plume in groundwater prevented the sale…

In-Situ PFAS Remediation Protects Offsite Environment at Airport in Norway

Case study highlights: At Haugesund Airport in Norway, Avinor and their environmental consultant COWI implemented a remediation plan to reduce…

High levels of TCE Remediated at Historic Chemical Works

Award-winning In Situ Remediation of DNAPL Achieves Remedial Goals Case study highlights: Once considered one of the most environmentally contaminated…
Sweden CVOC

PlumeStop & S-MicroZVI Barrier Reduces Chlorinated VOCs by 95% in…

Case study highlights: Integrated treatment protects newly constructed residential buildings from vapour risk The integrated treatment approach combined in situ…
Finland in-situ remediation

Effective In-Situ Treatment of a 1km PCE Plume in Finland

Case study highlights: In Eastern Finland, a fast-moving PCE (perchloroethene) plume beneath a metal-processing facility was remediated to reduce impacts…