June 2023 Newsletter
New Video | A More Sustainable PFAS Treatment Explained
This video explains a solution to eliminate PFAS risk at a fraction of the cost of pump and treat methods. Pump and treat mechanical systems require significantly more money to operate, produce millions of tons of carbon emissions, and represent what remediation experts have coined “remediation in perpetuity”. A newer, more cost-effective, sustainable and guaranteed proven method is replacing these pump and treat mechanical systems for PFAS. PlumeStop Colloidal Activated Carbon works below ground surface, filtering out PFAS contaminants as they migrate with the natural flow of groundwater.
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Article | Aviation Pros Article Discusses Sustainable PFAS Solution
Aviation Pros published this article by Maureen Dooley, Vice President – Industrial Sector, discussing a colloidal activated carbon barrier installed as part of a pilot test at Martha’s Vineyard Airport to demonstrate effective in situ treatment of a PFAS plume. With no pumping required, the in situ approach avoids long-term power consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and operation & maintenance costs, all factoring into the remedy selection at this site. The early performance results show the barrier has eliminated PFAS from groundwater.
Video | PlumeStop Treats PFAS and Protects Island Community Resources
Press Release | PetroFix Used at Site Honored with 2023 US Secretary of Defense Environmental Award
Technical Bulletin | S-MicroZVI Performance Over a 4-Year Column Study
Upcoming Webinar | Coupled Aquifer Restoration and Water Reuse
In this webinar we are pleased to have special guest speaker Avram Frankel, PE, Managing Principal, Integral Consulting, Inc. His presentation will discuss coupled aquifer restoration and water reuse, and the continuing evolution of an integrated solution. Topics will also include the application of water resource management approaches such as Aquifer Storage and Recovery and Managed Aquifer Recharge. This free webinar begins Thursday, July 20th, 2023 at 11am pacific/2pm eastern.
Webinar Recording Now Available | A Business Case for Achieving Significant Cost Savings Using Colloidal Activated Carbon
In this webinar, we were pleased to have special guest speaker Jim Rolle, Director of Environmental Services at WCEC. His presentation discussed a business case outlining where WCEC achieved significant cost savings as compared to a long-term monitoring approach when using PetroFix, a form of colloidal activated carbon. He was joined by Todd Herrington, Global PetroFix Product Manager at REGENESIS.

Webinar Series Now Available | Advanced Use of Modelling in Design and Management of In-Situ Groundwater Treatment with Colloidal Activated Carbon
Webinar recordings are now available from the REGENESIS Technical Perspectives Series presented by Dr. Jeremy Birnstingl, a leading environmental expert, on the application of advanced modelling for in situ groundwater treatment using colloidal activated carbon. This ground-breaking three-part series provides insights and examples into the power and utility of modelling to assist throughout a project, from conceptional and formal design stages to performance data interpretation, management and optimization. View the recordings at the links below.
Connect with us at Upcoming Events
2023 National Brownfields
8/8 – 8/11/2023 | Detroit, MI
Georgia Environmental Conference
8/23 – 8/25/2023 | Jekyll Island, GA
West Virginia Brownfields Conference
9/12 – 9/14/2023 | Wheeling, WV
Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop
9/19 – 9/20/2023 | Worcester, MA
IDEM Pollution Prevention Conference
9/20/2023 | Indianapolis, IN
RemTEC Emerging Contaminants Summit
10/3 – 10/5/2023 | Westminster, CO
REGENESIS has remediation experts based worldwide to assist you in your brownfield site cleanup. As the technology leader in advanced bioremediation solutions, we can help ensure success on your next remediation project. Use the map on our website to find your regional REGENESIS contact today.