PetroFix achieves rapid and sustained MTBE reductions below target levels
This case study reviews a successful PetroFix application that placed a Washington underground storage tank (UST) site on track for closure, while saving more than €900,000 in comparison to alternate approaches considered at the site.
The site is a former service station and bulk petroleum plant, where petroleum hydrocarbons were discovered leaking from USTs in the late 1990s. WCEC, an environmental consulting company highly experienced in addressing petroleum-contaminated sites, investigated the site and observed light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL or free product). In response, WCEC completed interim remedial measures, including excavating grossly impacted soils and installing a free product recovery system… Download the case study to learn how a successfull application of PetroFix got the site on track for closure.

Case study highlights:
- PetroFix achieved rapid and sustained MTBE reductions below cleanup objectives
- At only 8% of the cost of a ‘monitoring-only’ approach, PetroFix saved approximately €1 million for this project
4m 38s reading time