Case Study Highlights:

  • Petroleum impacts effectively remediated at university recreation facility site

  • Project goals met in all treatment areas, within budget and time constraints

  • Low-impact, single injection event minimized disturbance to athletic fields

PetroFix case study

Terracon, a leading US environmental engineering and consulting firm, completed the remediation of a university recreational facility in Florida impacted by historic petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC) contamination. Under stringent contractual timelines and performance benchmarks set by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Terracon excavated PHC-impacted soils and applied PetroFix® in situ to address residual contamination in the saturated zone. The injection area needed to be restored to its original condition to accommodate upcoming seasonal use. A reliable injection technology was required to achieve the project goals, minimize disruption to the athletic fields, and avoid the need for remobilization. This comprehensive approach successfully met FDEP’s cleanup goals for soil and groundwater where the amendment was applied in the treatment area.