Advancing the Science of Activated Persulfate with Built-In Activation for Ease-of-Use

What is it?

PersulfOx is an advanced in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) reagent that destroys organic contaminants found in groundwater and soil through abiotic chemical oxidation reactions. It is an all-in-one product with a built-in catalyst which activates the sodium persulfate component and generates contaminant-destroying free radicals without the costly and potentially hazardous addition of a separate activator. The patented catalyst enhances the oxidative destruction of both petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated contaminants in the subsurface.


  • Promotes rapid and sustained in situ oxidation of a wide-range of organic contaminants
  • Relatively safe and easy-to-use: The builtin catalyst eliminates the need for the co-application of hazardous activation chemistries
  • The built-in catalyst remains active through the entire lifespan of the persulfate oxidation reaction

Typical Application Methods

  • Permanent injection wells
  • Direct-push injection (barriers and grids)
  • Soil borings
  • Excavation applications into soil or on top of bedrock
  • Soil mixing, handling and milling approaches
  • Gravity feed
  • For more information, please read the Application Instructions

How it works

Typically, sodium persulfate is activated with the addition of heat, chelated metals, hydrogen peroxide, or base in order to generate sulfate radicals. These activation processes are inherently complex, costly and can pose additional health and safety risks. In comparison, PersulfOx is a relatively safe and easy-to-use ISCO agent.

PersulfOx utilizes a unique silica-based, microscopic surface on which oxidants and contaminants can come together and react in a distinct and efficient process known as “surface mediated oxidation.” During this process, oxidation reactions occur repeatedly on the surface of the catalyst serving several contaminant-reducing functions:

  • The generation of sulfate radical and other oxidizing species
  • Accelerated oxidation through the adsorption of contaminant molecules and other oxidizing species
  • Catalyzes direct and free-radical-mediated oxidation by sodium persulfate


Petroleum Hydrocarbons

  • Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX)
  • Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) (C6-C10-12)
  • Diesel Range Organics (DRO) (C8-12-C24-26)
  • Oil Range Organics (ORO) (C22-32)
  • Creosote (coal tar)
  • Methyl-Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)
  • Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA)
  • cis-1,2 Dichloroethene (DCE)
  • Vinyl chloride (VC)

Chlorinated Compounds

  • Chlorinated Solvents
  • Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)
  • Trichloroethene (TCE)
  • cis-1,2 Dichloroethene (DCE)
  • Vinyl chloride (VC)
  • Tetrachloroethane
  • Trichloroethane (TCA)
  • Dichloroethane (DCA)
  • Carbon tetrachloride
  • Chloroethane


  • 1,4-Dioxane



How PersulfOx Technology Works

9 Reasons to Consider ISCO

Advancing Activated Persulfate Science with Built-In Activation and Ease-of-Use

PersulfOx is an advanced in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) reagent that destroys organic contaminants found in groundwater and soil through abiotic chemical oxidation reactions. It is an all-in-one product with a built-in catalyst which activates the sodium persulfate component and generates contaminant-destroying free radicals without the costly and potentially hazardous addition of a separate activator. The patented catalyst enhances the oxidative destruction of both petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated contaminants in the subsurface.

Typically, sodium persulfate is activated with the addition of heat, chelated metals, hydrogen peroxide, or base in order to generate sulfate radicals. These activation processes are inherently complex, costly and can pose additional health and safety risks. In comparison, PersulfOx is a relatively safe and easy-to-use ISCO agent.

PersulfOx utilizes a unique silica-based, microscopic surface on which oxidants and contaminants can come together and react in a distinct and efficient process known as “surface mediated oxidation.” During this process, oxidation reactions occur repeatedly on the surface of the catalyst serving several contaminant-reducing functions:

  • The generation of sulfate radical and other oxidizing species
  • Accelerated oxidation through the adsorption of contaminant molecules and other oxidizing species
  • Catalyzes direct and free-radical-mediated oxidation by sodium persulfate

PersulfOx Intellectual Property

With the purchase and proper use of PersulfOx Catalyzed Persulfate, Regenesis’ customers gain the benefits of the latest
advancements in persulfate technology for environmental remediation, patented by REGENESIS and free of infringing
any other technologies.

1 US and international patents apply. License to practice technology granted by REGENESIS.

For a complete listing of treatable contaminants please visit our Range of Treatable Contaminants Page

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