First broadcast: June 14, 2017

Speakers: Gareth Leonard (Managing Director of REGENESIS Ltd.) and Simon Ware (Managing Director of UK based environmental consultancy WDE)

Using the case study of the redevelopment of a former petrol filling station, Gareth Leonard (Managing Director of Regenesis Ltd) and guest speaker Simon Ware (Managing Director of UK based environmental consultancy, WDE), discuss the process of devising, optimising and delivering the remedial solution for sites impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons. Discussion is made on the importance of integrating the activities of consultant and potential solutions provider. The intention of the presentation is to share experience of the successful investigation, remediation and validation of sites impacted with petroleum hydrocarbons and will be of interest to contaminated land practitioners, regulators and problem holders.

The presentation covers:

  • Important site investigation parameters for both understanding the site and allowing the creation of an accurate and efficient remedial design
  • Remediation drivers and targets
  • The value of early discussions and gap analysis by environmental consultant and solutions provider
  • The choice and explanation of different remedial techniques, what they can achieve and how they can be used together to improve treatment efficiency
  • Exemplified by the investigation, remediation and closure of a recent site, with other case study references used for illustrative purposes

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