Language: English
Presenter: Jack Shore (REGENESIS)

In this webinar recording, Jack Shore gives an overview of the site data gathered last year from two airports in the UK where PlumeStop has been used for the in situ treatment of groundwater impacted with PFAS.

The key points covered:

  • Review of two field-scale pilots of PlumeStop to treat PFAS at UK airport sites
  • Proposed full-scale treatment design and implementation to unlock – a site for residential development under the UK planning regime
  • PlumeShield warranty system for PlumeStop Barriers
  • New technological developments for in situ PFAS treatment

PFOS and PFOA are the main constituents of PFAS on each site, where contamination is due to the use of AFFF on fire training areas. However, their baseline concentrations and hydrogeological characteristics differ considerably. In both cases, groundwater treatment has been deemed necessary to prevent further plume migration.

Pilot barrier applications have been completed, significantly reducing downgradient PFAS concentrations. The webinar describes the site conditions, investigations undertaken, application works completed, challenges faced, and validation results observed.

The full-scale designs and proposed applications are discussed, including the PlumeShield warranty, to guarantee that the barrier will deliver long-term elimination of PFAS risk in groundwater.

Finally, a short introduction of new advancements of in situ PFAS treatment is provided, introducing new solutions and strategies for treating PFAS in various scenarios.

About the presenter:

Jack Shore
Senior District Manager | REGENESIS

Jack is the Colloidal Carbon Technologies Lead for REGENESIS in Europe and oversees the UK and Scandinavian districts within the company. As part of these roles, he manages a team providing technical support and design work to a mix of Design and Build Consultancies, Remediation Contractors and Blue-Chip Clients. Jack has over 12 years of experience within the remediation industry and most recently has successfully implemented the first injection of PlumeStop to effectively manage a PFAS plume in the EU. His expertise ranges from supervising site investigations, developing in situ remediation designs, and managing large-scale remediation projects with multiple stakeholders.

Watch webinar recording