Language: English
Presenter:  Jack Shore, Regional Manager Europe, REGENESIS and Sarah Hughes, District Manager UK & Scandinavia, REGENESIS

A large and highly contaminated former chemical works undergoing redevelopment was considered among the most contaminated sites in the UK. The site had high levels of trichloroethene (TCE) contamination in groundwater, including dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) and dissolved-phase concentrations above 100,000µg/L. Vertase FLI undertook the remediation of the site including treatment of the >12,000 m2 plume. The target was to show a significant mass reduction and an ongoing declining trend of TCE in groundwater to protect the downgradient river adjacent the site.

A combined enhanced reductive dechlorination and in situ chemical reduction approach was chosen to target this large, highly contaminated plume.

Jack Shore and Sarah Hughes discuss the design, implementation and validation of the remediation works, including:

  • Challenges: The scale of the contamination presented a number of obstacles to success, including:
    • Treating such a widespread plume cost-effectively
    • Effectively remediating such a large contaminant mass – including DNAPL
    • Addressing re-equilibration of contamination from the soil and free-phase during treatment
    • Avoiding the accumulation of daughter compounds and ensuring their degradation.
  • Remedial Design: Combining sulfidated micron scale zero valent iron and large-volume controlled release electron donor substrates, in designs tailored to the contaminant concentrations across the source area covering 8,000m².
  • Application: 4 direct push injection rigs and a specialist injection trailer were operated concurrently to co-apply 250,000 litres of substrates into 611 injection points.
  • Results: Validation results across the target area showed an 85% reduction in TCE concentrations was achieved over a 12-month period, with full degradation occurring. This exceeded the remedial goal, allowing the site redevelopment to continue as planned.


Jack Shore
Regional Manager, Europe | REGENESIS

Jack Shore is the Regional Manager for Europe at REGENESIS, bringing over 15 years of experience in the contaminated land industry. His career includes roles as a consultant, contractor, and remediation specialist, with a primary focus on designing and implementing in situ remediation solutions. Jack has evaluated over 3,500 sites across Western Europe for their suitability with REGENESIS’ technologies. At REGENESIS, he leads a European team of district managers and technical services personnel. Jack’s technical expertise includes in situ chemical oxidation, bioremediation of organic compounds, and metals immobilisation. He holds a BSc in Environmental Geoscience from Cardiff University and is a Chartered Scientist.


Sarah Hughes
District Manager, UK & Scandinavia | REGENESIS

Sarah is the District Manager for the UK and Scandinavian regions at REGENESIS. She works closely with the company’s talented technical & remediation services teams to deliver innovative in situ remediation solutions for soil and groundwater. With over seven years of experience in the consultancy and remediation sectors, Sarah has a strong background in designing and supervising site investigations, developing in situ remediation designs, and managing large-scale, multi-stakeholder projects across the UK and Scandinavia.

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