Award-winning In Situ Remediation of DNAPL Achieves Remedial Goals

Case study highlights:

  • Once considered one of the most environmentally contaminated sites in the UK
  • REGENESIS designed and delivered a suitable and pragmatic in situ groundwater solution on behalf of Vertase FLI for a portion of the site, fitting in with the wider remediation works and site redevelopment programme.
  • Combined ERD and ISCR treatment using S-MicroZVI® and 3-D Microemulsion®
  • 90% TCE mass removal achieved in 12 months, exceeded the remedial goal, allowing the site redevelopment to continue apace.
  • Multiple lines of evidence show ongoing, long-term reductive dechlorination, without VC stall.
  • Winner of the Brownfield Award 2024 Best Application of Remediation Technologies
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