In situ groundwater remediation following an oil-tanker spill
Integrated chemical and biological approach rapidly remediates MTBE and petroleum hydrocarbons
A fuel tanker truck over-turned on a small road in northern Italy, spilling over 36,000L of diesel and petrol. The fuel impacted a canal, flood defences, soils and groundwater in the immediate vicinity.
A site investigation was completed concurrently with an emergency oil-spill response, in order to identify the subsurface contamination, build an initial Conceptual Site Model (CSM) and develop plans for remediation. MTBE, petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and BTEX were found to be within the soil – concentrated within the capillary fringe. The groundwater was also found to be impacted and requiring remediation. A remedial options appraisal was completed, considering technical feasibility, sustainability, time and cost and a combined in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and enhanced aerobic natural attenuation (ENA) approach was chosen.
Case Study Highlights
Read the case study to learn:
How BELFOR has implemented the integrated remedial approach of In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and enhanced natural attenuation (ENA)
Monitoring results for MTBE over time
How site closure has been achieved two years after the oil spill event
- The success factors of this project