PFAS Contaminants Reduced to Non-Detect
PlumeStop Eliminates PFAS Risk at Bulk Storage Facility in the Middle East
This case study reviews a bulk storage facility located in the Middle East region that had released a mixed plume of petroleum hydrocarbons and Per and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS constituents were effectively reduced to non-detect following the application of PlumeStop and have remained at these levels for twelve months post-application. The goal was to achieve mass reduction in all groundwater contaminants in order to mitigate the risk of contaminant migration to an offsite receptor. InSitu Remediation Services Ltd. (IRSL) was engaged to develop a remediation approach for the contaminated site. IRSL has had prior success treating a similar mixture of PFAS and petroleum contaminants at previous sites, using PlumeStop to sorb the contamination from the groundwater. IRSL worked alongside REGENESIS to design a pilot study to ensure the feasibility to treat the affected saline aquifer.

Case study highlights:
- All 14 PFAS compounds, including short chains, were reduced to ND within 6 weeks with maintained reductions through twelve months
- Successful pilot test resulted in full scale treatment
- Modeling performed by IRSL suggests that this reduction will be maintained for over 30 years without the need for further re-injection
4m 51s reading time