Flux Tracer Logo Master Inverted

Precise mass flux and groundwater velocity measurements made easy


Technology at-a-glance:

FluxTracer® Flux Mapping Tools are easy-to-use devices that vertically delineate contaminant mass flux and groundwater velocity within existing monitoring wells to aid in site characterization and remedial designs.

Conventional methods (pump and slug tests) give a single value for groundwater velocity whereas passive tools like FluxTracer are designed to distinguish individual zones within an aquifer. This level of resolution is especially useful for remediation design.

A Dual-Functioning, Passive Sampling Technology For Site Characterization and In Situ Remediation Designs

The FluxTracer consists of separate two-foot-long stainless steel cannisters internally spaced in two chambers and secured in a series on a premeasured central wire line equipped with a modified J-plug. FluxTracers are always pre-assembled, and ready to deploy with no onsite construction required. The unique design provides joint-like flexibility between the closely stacked cannisters to easily install and remove from a well.

Key Benefits:

  • High Data Resolution and Accuracy
  • Plume Characterization
  • Estimate In Situ Product Longevity
  • Reliable Turnaround Time
  • Affordable with Full Customer Support

Fast Installation:

  • 15-Minute Install Per Device
  • Ready to Deploy Upon Arrival
  • No Assembly Required

Target Contaminants:

  • Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds (CVOCs)
  • PFAS
  • Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, Xylene (BTEX) and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH)*

* Analysis for BTEX and TPH are in development. 


FluxTracer Overview Technology At-A-Glance

install instructions

Installation and Retrieval Instructions


What is Mass Flux?

Mass flux is defined as the contaminant mass moving across a unit area (aquifer) perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction. Mass flux is measured as mass/area/time.

Learn more?

Do you have questions about Fluxtracers or would you like to explore ideas? Get in touch to speak or email with one of our technical managers