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dry cleaning

L’effetto moltiplicatore: come un trattamento sinergico può far raggiungere obiettivi…

Data: giovedì 11 luglio 2024 Ora: 12.00 Lingua: italiano Presentato da: Ing. Mariangela Donati, Ing. Marcello Carboni (REGENESIS) In questo…
synergistic remediation can achieve stringent targets for chlorinated solvent treatment

The multiplication effect: how synergistic remediation can achieve stringent targets…

Language: English Presenter: Todd Herrington, Director of Product Management, REGENESIS and Marcello Carboni, Regional Manager Europe, REGENESIS In this webinar,…
PFAS source soil treatment

SourceStop: Effectieve PFAS-sanering voor grond en grondwater in bronzones

Taal: Nederlands Presentator: Kris Maerten (REGENESIS) In dit webinar introduceren we SourceStop®, een nieuwe technologie voor de efficiënte aanpak van…
SourceStop webinar

SourceStop: trattamento efficace dei PFAS per suolo e falda in…

Lingua: italiano Presentato da: Ing. Mariangela Donati, Ing. Marcello Carboni (REGENESIS) In questo webinar Mariangela Donati e Marcello Carboni introducono…
EU Rebecca Mora PFAS webinar

PFAS Lessons Learned; Treating a Large-Scale AFFF Site Using In-Situ…

Language: English Presenters: Rebecca Mora (AECOM) and Ryan Moore (REGENESIS) We are pleased to host Rebecca Mora, AECOM Associate Vice…
PFAS soil and groundwater treatment

SourceStop: effective PFAS treatment for soil and groundwater in source…

Language: English Presenters: Paul Erickson and Steve Barnes (REGENESIS) In this webinar, our Vice President of R&D, Paul Erickson introduces…
Introducing the Concawe LNAPL toolbox

Guest Webinar: Introducing the Concawe LNAPL toolbox

Language: English Presenters: Richard Gill (Concawe), Markus Hjort (Concawe) and Gareth Leonard (REGENESIS) In this webinar, our guest speakers Richard…
La necessità di una bonifica sostenibile dei PFAS

La necessità di una bonifica sostenibile dei PFAS: confronto tra…

Lingua: italiano Presentato da: Dott. Daniele Susanni, Principal e Operation Manager, RAMBOLL; Ing. Marcello Carboni, Regional Manager Europe, REGENESIS In…
the complex challenges of PFAS: a soil perspective

The Complex Challenges of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances as Environmental…

Language: English Presenters: Christopher P. Higgins, PhD, Colorado School of Mines and Paul Erickson, PhD, REGENESIS We are pleased to…

Accurate Distribution and Its Importance For The Treatment of Petroleum…

Language: English Presenter: Todd Herrington, Global PetroFix Product Manager, REGENESIS and Marcello Carboni, Regional Manager Europe, REGENESIS In this technical…

Oplossingen voor PFAS: Bronaanpak, gestimuleerde attenuatie en resultaten van duurzaamheidsstudie

Taal: Nederlands Kosten: gratis In dit live webinar geeft Kris Maerten een update over het gebruik van colloïdale actieve kool…

The need for sustainable PFAS remediation; comparing the environmental impact…

Language: English Presenters: Jarno Laitinen (Ramboll), Gareth Leonard (REGENESIS) In this webinar Jarno Laitinen, the Head of Department for Climate…