Engineered to provide immediate and long-lasting results for fuel depots, industrial tank farms, petroleum retail stations as well as rail, road and domestic oil spills, PetroFix® is a cost-effective, in situ treatment for petroleum hydrocarbon contamination.
What is PetroFix?
PetroFix is a water-based suspension of micron-scale (1-2μm) activated carbon and biostimulating electron acceptors (slow and quick-release nutrients).
How does it work?
1) PetroFix distributes in the subsurface and coats the soils with micron-scale activated carbon.
2) Petroleum hydrocarbons rapidly sorb to the activated carbon, removing them from the groundwater.
3) Electron acceptors in the PetroFix kick-start natural biological degradation of the contamination sorbed.
4) Biological degradation regenerates sorption sites to allow further influx sorption, providing a long-term treatment.

Simple to Use:
- Can be applied immediately after LNAPL skimming
- Inject under low pressure or ‘flood’ directly into UST Bedding
- Inject as Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB)
- Pour into open excavations
- Add as remedial or preventative treatment to tank farm pipeline, UST or pipework bedding
Site Types:
- Petroleum fuel spills
- Domestic oil spills/leaks
- Petrol stations
- Rail road spills and depots
- Fuel distribution and storage facilities
- Industrial sites
- Underground Storage Tanks (UST)
Typical Application
- Liquid-based direct-push injection through hollow holes
- Liquid-based direct-placement into boreholes
- Liquid-based injections in conjunction with ORC Advanced® (ORC-A) to support enhanced aerobic biodegradation
- For more information, please read the Application Instructions
Target Contaminants:
- Petroleum Hydrocarbons
– Gasoline Range
– Diesel Range - BTEX
- Creosote
- PAHs
- Guide of treatable contaminants