Safe and Effective In Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO)

At a glance

  • Provides rapid contaminant destruction

  • Targets source areas of highly impacted groundwater

  • Surface mediated chemical oxidation avoids temperature and pressure build-up

  • Compatible with most construction materials allowing application near to infrastructure


  • Highly effective at rapidly destroying large amounts of contaminant mass

  • Safe to use

  • Easy to mix and apply

  • Compatible with infrastructure

  • Treatment sustained for 4-5 weeks from a single injection

  • Combines well with aerobic biological degradation

  • Minimised loss to natural FOC on soils, through desorption and destruction of contamination in groundwater

  • Effective desorption reagent to enhance physical recovery techniques



Petroleum Hydrocarbons

  • Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylenes (BTEX)

  • Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) (C6-C10-12)

  • Diesel Range Organics (DRO) (C8-12-C24-26)

  • Oil Range Organics (ORO) (C22-32)

  • Creosote (coal tar)

  • Methyl-Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE)

  • Tert-Butyl Alcohol (TBA)

For a complete listing of treatable contaminants please visit our Range of Treatable Contaminants Page.

Chlorinated Compounds

  • Chlorinated Solvents

  • Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)

  • Trichloroethene (TCE)

  • cis-1,2 Dichloroethene (DCE)

  • Vinyl chloride (VC)

  • Tetrachloroethane

  • Trichloroethane (TCA)

  • Dichloroethane (DCA)

  • Carbon tetrachloride

  • Chloroethane


Typical applications include:

  • Direct-push injection

  • Injection into wells

  • Sprayed into excavation

Enhancing recovery techniques:

  • Multi-phase extraction

  • Vacuum tanker extraction

  • Pump and treat systems

For more information, please read the Application Instructions


A two-part system that produces powerful chemical oxidation reactions

RegenOx® in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) directly oxidizes contaminants while its unique catalytic component generates a range of highly oxidizing free radicals that rapidly and effectively destroy a range of target contaminants including both petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds.

RegenOx is an injectable, two-part ISCO reagent that combines a solid sodium percarbonate based alkaline oxidant (Part A), with a liquid mixture of sodium silicates, silica gel and ferrous sulfate (Part B), resulting in a powerful contaminant destroying technology.

Once emplaced in the subsurface, RegenOx produces a cascade of highly-efficient chemical oxidation reactions via a number of mechanisms including:

  • Surface mediated oxidation
  • Direct oxidation
  • Free radical oxidation

These reactions destroy a range of contaminants and can be propagated in the presence of RegenOx for periods of up to 30 days on a single injection.

RegenOx produces minimal heat and pressure and is non-corrosive making it a relatively safe chemical oxidant that is compatible for use in direct contact with underground infrastructure such as utilities, tanks, piping communication lines, etc. As a result the material can be applied using a wide-range of standard field equipment (e.g. direct push injection rigs) or applied directly into excavations.

In addition to chemical destruction, RegenOx ISCO produces a significant, short-term oxygen footprint that is optimal for establishing aerobic conditions capable of supporting follow-on, aerobic biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Once aerobic conditions are in place, many remediation practitioners apply Oxygen Release Compound Advanced (ORC Advanced) with or after RegenOx to support long-term aerobic biodegradation. This “ISCO to bio” combined remedies approach can be highly effective at reducing a range of contaminant concentrations and associated costs.

Finally, RegenOx based-reactions produce mild, detergent-like effects that desorb or remove contaminants off of soil surfaces and transfer contaminants more readily into the dissolved-phase. This process of removing material from soil surfaces has also been proven to be highly effective at increasing the efficiency of established, groundwater pump and treat (P&T) systems that have gone asymptotic. This desorption effect has been optimized in a specialized version of RegenOx called PetroCleanze which is designed for use in enhancing and optimizing multi-phase extraction (MPE) activities and P&T systems during site remediation.


remediation of napl

Combined remediation at rail depot

Truck oil tanker road spill

ISCO and ENA approach remediates MTBE and TPH

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