Challenging Fast-Moving, High Concentration Chlorinated Solvent Plume Effectively Treated
Case study highlights
A permeable reactive barrier installed using advanced colloidal technologies demonstrates pilot test’s effectiveness treating a fast-moving, high-concentration chlorinated solvent plume in groundwater:
Within a month of the application, the highest concentrations were reduced by 98 percent.
PlumeStop and S-MicroZVI co-injected barrier treats CVOCs for >3 years in high-mass-flux aquifer
Additional site design testing used passive flux samplers to better understand contaminant mass flux

Hamp, Mathews & Associates, Inc. (HMA), working on behalf of EGLE, collaborated with REGENESIS to develop a remedial approach to address the contaminant plume. Following data review and modeling, a sorption-ERD approach was selected for implementation in a field-scale test, using the following technologies applied in an in situ permeable reactive barrier (PRB).
In this sorption-ERD approach, PlumeStop® slows the speed of contaminants (i.e., mass flux) entering a barrier, increasing the time available for the added amendments to fully reduce these contaminants into non-toxic end products such as ethene, ethane, carbon dioxide, and chloride before they leave the PRB. In combination, these remedialtechnologies create a highly reactive zone of biogeochemical reduction that can address plumes with high contaminant mass flux.
Remediation of TCE Plume Speeds Sale of Brownfield Site
Case study highlights
At a former manufacturing site in Fullerton, California, a trichloroethylene (TCE) plume in groundwater prevented the sale of the brownfield site despite past remediation efforts, including excavation and thermal treatment. A combined remedy changed that: the combination of a large-diameter auger (LDA) excavation and injection of 50,000 gallons of
S-MicroZVI® has resulted in:
98.5% average reduction in TCE concentrations, facilitating the property’s sale and redevelopment
Through 4.5 years of monitoring, TCE remains at 99.7%, reduced in the treatment zone, confirming the remediation’s long-term effectiveness.

This case study reviews a former manufacturing site in Fullerton, CA, where a trichloroethylene (TCE) plume contaminated the groundwater and prevented sale of the brownfield site. REGENESIS designed an injection plan using micronscale Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) due to its proven ability to effectively reduce contaminant levels within a subsurface environment. In order to complete the remediation and move forward with the sale, Hargis + Associates worked with REGENESIS to develop an in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) design to address the plume. Regulatory limits on pounds per square inch (psi) were enforced for all injections. REGENESIS, Hargis + Associates, and Gregg Drilling worked closely with the regulatory agency to ensure that the remediation and injection of the ZVI would be completed at a low pressure.
In-Situ PFAS Remediation Protects Offsite Environment at Airport in Norway
Case study highlights:
At Haugesund Airport in Norway, Avinor and their environmental consultant COWI implemented a remediation plan to reduce the migration of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in groundwater from a fire training ground. An in situ remediation solution was used to minimise the further migration of PFAS in groundwater during and after the source removal measures were completed.
- SourceStop® Liquid, a colloidal activated carbon (CAC), was applied as a permeable sorptive barrier to reduce PFAS migration hydraulically.
The permeable sorptive barrier was designed and implemented downstream of the excavation area to mitigate the ongoing dissolved-phase transport of PFAS during and post-excavation.
Through nine months of monitoring, the two primary PFAS of concern, PFOA and PFOS, have been reduced by 96% and 98%, respectively, while Total PFAS has been reduced by 94%.
Full Life Cycle Analysis Conducted by Ramboll Finds PlumeStop Has 98% Lower Carbon Footprint than Pump & Treat for PFAS Remediation
Pandora’s PFAS box: Life cycle exposure considerations of treatment options for PFAS in groundwater
High levels of TCE Remediated at Historic Chemical Works
Award-winning In Situ Remediation of DNAPL Achieves Remedial Goals
Case study highlights:
- Once considered one of the most environmentally contaminated sites in the UK
- REGENESIS designed and delivered a suitable and pragmatic in situ groundwater solution on behalf of Vertase FLI for a portion of the site, fitting in with the wider remediation works and site redevelopment programme.
- Combined ERD and ISCR treatment using S-MicroZVI® and 3-D Microemulsion®
- 90% TCE mass removal achieved in 12 months, exceeded the remedial goal, allowing the site redevelopment to continue apace.
- Multiple lines of evidence show ongoing, long-term reductive dechlorination, without VC stall.
- Winner of the Brownfield Award 2024 ‘Best Application of Remediation Technologies‘
Or watch the 5-min project video with site footage and interviews
PlumeStop & S-MicroZVI Barrier Reduces Chlorinated VOCs by 95% in 1 Month
Case study highlights:
- Integrated treatment protects newly constructed residential buildings from vapour risk
- The integrated treatment approach combined in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) and sorption & biodegradation in an injected permeable reactive barrier (PRB)
- The colloidal PlumeStop® and S-MicroZVI® amendments rapidly reduced CVOC concentrations to below or near the detection levels
At an ongoing residential development in Southwest Sweden, low CVOC levels in the groundwater required a remedial solution to protect the newly constructed buildings against vapour intrusion. RGS Nordic (now: Sortera) asked REGENESIS for an in situ remediation solution.

Effective In-Situ Treatment of a 1km PCE Plume in Finland
Case study highlights:
In Eastern Finland, a fast-moving PCE (perchloroethene) plume beneath a metal-processing facility was remediated to reduce impacts on a municipal drinking water source.
- PCE concentrations were reduced to below the drinking water limit at the municipal water supply well (concentration reductions of approximately 80% in the plume within months and 90 to 95% by 18 months)
- Results indicate that the combined treatment approach can be successfully applied in cold groundwater aquifers with low organic carbon content
- Integrated source area grid treatment (ERD) and plume barrier treatment (PlumeStop®) is an effective strategy for treating elongated chlorinated solvent plumes
Award-winning PFAS Remediation at a Private Airfield
In situ PlumeStop barrier treatment unlocks site divestment and redevelopment in England, UK
- A sustainable solution – REGENESIS and Mott MacDonald have successfully implemented a sustainable remediation solution for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) contamination at a private airfield in England.
- A milestone project – Remediation of PFAS impacted groundwater on this site was completed through the injection of PlumeStop to create a passive underground water filtration zone. This in situ treatment was the first of its kind in the UK.
- An award-winning collaboration – The project has won the ‘Best application of remediation technologies’ Award at the Brownfield Awards in 2023.
6m 24s reading time

In Situ Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Switzerland
Timely remediation of a former component factory in Northern Switzerland
At a former precision component manufacturing facility in northern Switzerland, hexavalent chromium contamination was found in the underlying soil and groundwater.
The challenge for Environmental Consultant CSD Ingénieurs was to find an effective remediation solution that allows business activities to continue, keeps costs low and avoids the demolition of historic buildings. Read the case study to learn how this puzzle was solved with the help of our products and services.
Read the case study
4m 17s reading time